Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Musician blows his horn for nonprofit

Texarkana trumpeter plays ‘for Jesus’ and the Red Kettle Campaign


TEXARKANA — Ron Baker has music in his blood.

And every year around this time, he shares his love of music by playing Christmas hymns on his trumpet at Hobby Lobby for The Salvation Army kettle drive while bell-ringers go on lunch or dinner breaks.

Baker alternates bell-ringing with playing Christmas favorites such as “O Come, All Ye Faithful,” “Joy to the World” and “Away in a Manger.” It’s not unusual for people to stop and listen and make conversati­on or a donation once the songs end.

“There is something about music. I’ve had people comment that the music was so pretty they couldn’t walk by without putting money in,” Baker said. “Music does something to all of us. It can make you cry or make you happy. It brings out our emotions. Music really does touch us in a special way that can be wonderful and beautiful.”

Baker came by his love of playing the trumpet honestly. He learned the fundamenta­ls at home before his school started offering band. While other kids were focusing on sports, Baker said he was practicing his horn.

“My mother played the trumpet and … she got me started. The very first day of band class, I was able to play the C scale because she taught me at home,” he said.

“I’m probably average as far as talent is concerned … but I enjoyed playing so much I practiced a lot. That was my thing in school.”

This will be the fourth holiday season Baker has played at Hobby Lobby. Once a band director at Pine Street Middle School, Baker put his trumpet down for a change of profession. He didn’t pick it up again for 24 years.

“I was busy with other things going on, but I’ve always loved music,” Baker said.

He started playing again after being encouraged by a Salvation Army official.

“I didn’t know how well I would do, and I did pray to God, because I knew I would need some help to play again. As I started buzzing my mouthpiece again to get in shape, I remember the tone was pleasant to me,” Baker said.

He gives the glory to God for his rediscover­ed abilities.

“I play exclusivel­y for Jesus now,” he said. Baker also plays music at The Salvation Army Church. “It feels wonderful. It’s a tremendous blessing to be playing again. No matter how I feel when I start playing, I always feel better after playing for an hour. Instead of being tired, I feel more refreshed. I’m blessed, and I know that God is using that to bless other people.”

Using his musical talents to help raise money for The Salvation Army through its Red Kettle Campaign is something Baker is proud of. The Salvation Army uses money from the kettle drive to provide shelter, food, rent and utility assistance and more for the needy all year long.

Their goal for this year’s kettle drive is $160,000.

“There is just a lot of good The Salvation Army does … and this is really an opportunit­y for everybody to contribute and play their part to take care of one another. We all need help from others from time to time,” Baker said. “We are the feet and hands of God. God uses all of us to take care of one another and to love one another. The true joy you can get out of giving is wonderful, and I think some people haven’t experience­d that.”

Baker hopes the people who hear him play are encouraged.

“I’m thankful The Salvation Army encouraged me to play again. It’s been such a blessing. I’m really grateful and humble. I think that’s really probably the secret to a lot of things in life, if we’ll humbly ask God and depend on Him,” he said.

Salvation Army officials appreciate Baker’s contributi­ons.

“He’s been a member of The Salvation Army church for years and years and years,” said Sann Terry of Salvation Army corporate and community relations. “He’s extremely active in everything we’ve ever done. We’ve had people everywhere that remember him as the man that plays the trumpet at the kettle … and really special things have come about as a result.”

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