Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Judgment is coming


It seems those nasty old Fox News-watching, conservati­ve Republican­s are making it hard for Jim Breaw to live in the U.S. of A. Hypothetic­ally, maybe he would like to give up his three-bedroom, two-bath condo on the golf course of the Maumelle Country Club and move to Cuba. Just think, he could give up his spiffy new double-cab truck and drive a 1955 Cadillac and live in a government-subsidized apartment. Maybe they would even furnish him with a rubber raft and oar in case he did not like living under the Bernie Sanders-type Castro Brothers.

Many Cubans risk their lives every day just to get to the shores of America and live like Jim. It’s called being thankful for blessings from the creator. It does not matter what party is sitting in the White House, for I believe the creator God of every nation on this Earth is getting ready to rain down judgment on this old world for chasing after false gods and leaving him who created all things behind.

America was, at one time, a lighthouse for the world. Our light bulb is getting dimmer, for I believe we are on a sliding slope of evil and immorality never seen before in the history of the nation. There is only one thing holding back judgment and that is the calling out of this world his born-again of the spirit children into that eternal kingdom called heaven. Jesus himself warned of this coming judgment but he has also made a way of escape by paying our sin debt on the cross.

I believe America is about to collapse physically and financiall­y, and no politician or political party can prevent it. Surely as the sun came up this morning, judgment of all nations is at the door. WILLA ROMINE Bryant

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