Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

2015 champs would have an objection

- Compiled by Todd J. Pearce

A member of Missouri’s House of Representa­tives has proposed a bill to make the St. Louis Cardinals “the official baseball team of the state of Missouri.”

Courtney Curtis, D-Ferguson, introduced Bill No. 2831, which calls for the state government of Missouri to legally recognize the Cardinals as the verified, statesanct­ioned baseball team.

“The St. Louis Cardinals, which can trace its history in Missouri back to 1882, are selected for and shall be known as the official baseball team of the state of Missouri,” the legislatio­n reads.

“I think we have the better team,” Curtis said in a telephone interview with WDAF-TV, Kansas City. “Given that we have a strong delegation from Kansas City, I can see them putting up a fight, but I think overall the state of Missouri is behind the Cardinals.”

Sen. Ryan Silvey of Kansas City, whose hometown Royals are the defending World Series champions, rolled his eyes when he learned of the bill.

“I’ve told people it’s cute,” Silvey told the Kansas City Star. “It’s like a fifth-grader trying to dunk a basketball. He’s clearly just trying to get attention for himself back home.”

According to the House of Representa­tives’ website, the bill has been read twice. A hearing has not been scheduled and the bill is not on the house calendar.

“I’m sure they have nothing at all better to do than name an official MLB team of the state, right?” Matt Snyder wrote for “And, really, would this actually be more of a badge of honor for Cardinals fans than the team’s rich history? … Maybe Representa­tive Curtis lost a bet or something?”

“Perhaps there’s a compromise to be found somewhere in this,” Mark Townsend wrote for Yahoo! Sports. “After all, the cardinal isn’t even the state bird of Missouri. The bluebird is. If Curtis or anyone else wants to truly make a statement here, perhaps that’s where they should start.

“Then again, if someone really wanted to ruffle some feathers in Missouri, they might suggest renaming it the ‘Royal’ bluebird.

“One thing is for sure. No matter what, if anything, comes of this proposal, Missouri will always be a baseball state divided.”

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