Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Europe’s pulse up, economy logs gain

GDP rises 0.6% to pre-crisis peak


By one measure, the economic crisis that has long ravaged Europe is finally over.

On Friday, the European Union released data showing that the overall economy of the 19 countries that use the euro advanced by 0.6 percent over the first three months of the year, compared with the previous quarter.

That modest growth brought the eurozone’s gross domestic product for the period — the total value of goods and services produced — to about $2.81 trillion.

That was slightly above the previous peak reached in the early months of 2008, before the crisis emerged and Europe’s core economy descended into a pair of crippling recessions.

“The long-awaited recovery may finally be consolidat­ing,” said Iain Begg, a research fellow at the European Institute of the London School of Economics.

Yet as milestones go, Europe’s return to pre-crisis levels of economic activity came with so many qualifiers that any celebratio­n

seemed premature, at best, and at worst like mocking the tens of millions of ordinary Europeans who have far from recovered. New unemployme­nt data on Friday showed that the eurozone unemployme­nt rate, while edging down slightly, remains above 10 percent — more than twice the level in the United States.

“It’s almost a lost decade,” said Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel laureate economist and a professor at Columbia University. “It’s a remarkable testimony to the economic failure of the euro and the eurozone.”

The strongest economies in the eurozone — major exporters such as Germany and the Netherland­s — may have recaptured healthy momentum. But in the worst-hit countries — Cyprus, Greece, Ireland and Italy — ordinary people continue to grapple with the consequenc­es of deep job losses and wage cuts, which have cut away at incomes.

In Italy, disposable income for the average household — essentiall­y, take-home pay — shrank 4 percent from 2008 to 2014, according to EU data. Over those years, Greek households lost 24 percent of their disposable income, and Cyprus suffered declines of 22 percent. At the same time, German households gained more than 15 percent.

So much time has passed with overall European fortunes frozen or even sliding backward that doubts pervade about the ability of the Continent to ever again achieve robust growth. In a place that is home to some of the world’s wealthiest countries — founts of precise German engineerin­g, Italian luxury goods and French gastronomi­cal excess — children have been born and raised to primary-school age while commercial life around them has achieved practicall­y no gains.

And there are few signs that things will improve soon. Major banks across the Continent remain reluctant to lend, starving even healthy businesses of capital needed to expand and hire. Concerns about the global economy — especially the slowdown in China — threaten to crimp Europe’s export growth,

which has been at the center of the recovery.

Friday’s preliminar­y data — a new early-stage snapshot of growth released by the European Union — showed the eurozone growing at an annualized rate of 2.2 percent over the first three months of the year. That was well above the 0.5 percent annualized rate in the same period for the U.S. economy, which is showing worrisome signs of a new slowdown.

But clouding the eurozone growth data was another new figure Friday, indicating that consumer prices in the currency union were down 0.2 percent in April. Low inflation, or even periodic falling prices in the eurozone, has been a persistent problem, a sign of possible economic stagnation that continues to resist efforts by the European Central Bank to raise inflation to healthier levels.

Many economists now discuss Europe’s prospects with the grim vernacular long used to describe Japan. There, a real-estate bubble in the 1980s gave way to a calamitous bust that left banks reeling. Decades of half-measures aimed at finessing the economy to better days kept the ship of state afloat but left it in the doldrums.

“Europe is just sort of hanging on,” said Kenneth Rogoff, a former chief economist at the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund who is a professor at Harvard. “It’s very much like Japan, where Japan chose not to grab the bulls by the horns. It’s still a very rich country. It’s stable, but it’s in decline.”

Even “hanging on” may amount to an aspiration. The terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels have left Europe on knife’s edge, with policymake­rs and investors cognizant that people with lethal intentions are no doubt plotting more. Refugees and migrants continue to stream toward the Continent, propelled by conflicts in Libya, Syria and elsewhere. This has thrown another fraught and complex problem at European government­s that have shown little mastery over coordinate­d action.

In Britain, voters face a June 23 ballot to decide whether their country ought to remain part of the European Union. If they opt to exit — and polls have shown the numbers are close — that

will initiate a two-year period in which leaders in London and Brussels will need to negotiate a divorce.

No one really knows what will happen then, but a host of research institutio­ns have issued reports warning of economic costs should a split ensue. An exit vote would also most likely reinvigora­te separatist movements in Scotland and elsewhere, threatenin­g the European Union with fragmentat­ion. In the meantime, uncertaint­y reigns.

The United States engineered a faster and more vigorous recovery from the recession through a burst of government spending and tax cuts, combined with aggressive central bank action. By late 2011, less than four years after the downturn began, GDP was back to its pre-crisis level, reaching $15 trillion.

The eurozone is only just now on track to surpass its 2008 full-year GDP of just below $11.3 trillion.

The eurozone has been hobbled by basic affliction­s of its peculiar setup: The euro currency is a shared enterprise, yet the 19 national government­s that now use it operate their own budgets, while having to abide by limits on borrowing.

In other countries, economic weakness generally pushes down the value of the currency, making goods cheaper on world markets relative to competitor­s’ and lifting exports. But in the eurozone, all the countries are stuck with the same value for their currency, regardless of their individual troubles.

“The crisis began in the United States, yet the rigidities associated with the euro meant that it was the eurozone that wound up the big loser,” Stiglitz said. “It’s worth noting that, over that period, Japan, the rest of Europe and the United States all performed better. This is a euro disease.”

Germany, which plays the dominant role in setting eurozone economic policy, has been unwilling to allow national government­s to run larger deficits to stimulate their economies, while demanding that they enact policies that make it easier for employers to hire and fire. The result has been Continentw­ide austerity marinated in acrimony.

“The French and Italians have been shouting at the Germans, ‘You should expand and then we’ll all be

better off,’ ” Begg said. “The Germans have been shouting back, ‘No, you should sort out your mess and then we’ll all grow together.’”

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