Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

SOME ON Trump agricultur­e panel back legal path for unauthoriz­ed workers.


Donald Trump’s agricultur­e advisory committee includes members who have advocated for comprehens­ive immigratio­n changes that would give unauthoriz­ed workers a path to legal status, a position that runs counter to Trump’s call for the deportatio­n of illegal aliens.

Immigrant labor is a bedrock of the agricultur­e industry in the United States, many members of the newly formed committee have argued, and a shortage in the already scant agricultur­e labor pool would raise consumer prices.

The 64-person committee will meet regularly, according to the campaign, and advise the GOP presidenti­al nominee on food-production issues. The agricultur­e industry is at the center of the debate over immigratio­n policy and depends heavily on Latin American alien labor to meet production demands.

The committee includes several high-profile politician­s and governors, including Govs. Terry Branstad of Iowa, Sam Brownback of Kansas, Mary Fallin of Oklahoma, Jack Dalrymple of North Dakota and Dennis Daugaard of South Dakota. Former governors and presidenti­al candidates Rick Perry of Texas and Jim Gilmore of Virginia are also on the committee.

Several current and former executives for large food companies are also on the list. That group includes Bob Goodale, the former chief executive of Harris Teeter, and Fair Oaks Farms dairy chief executive Mike McCloskey.

Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge also was named to the committee.

“The members of my agricultur­al advisory committee represent the best that America can offer to help serve agricultur­al communitie­s,” Trump said in a statement. “Many of these officials have been elected by their communitie­s to solve the issues that impact our rural areas every day.”

But several of those listed appear opposed to Trump’s calls for mass deportatio­n and strongly supported the comprehens­ive immigratio­n-overhaul package passed by the Senate in 2013. Trump has blasted the bill, which stalled in the House, and has characteri­zed it as detrimenta­l to American workers.

“When politician­s talk about ‘immigratio­n reform’ they mean: amnesty, cheap labor and open borders,” Trump’s website says about the bill. “The Schumer-Rubio immigratio­n bill was nothing more than a giveaway to the corporate patrons who run both parties.”

Committee member Tom Nassif, president of the Western Growers trade group, has advocated for passing comprehens­ive immigratio­n reform, calling it crucial to addressing a labor shortage in the agricultur­e industry.

Mike McCloskey, who worked on immigratio­n issues with the National Milk Producers Federation, has said that cracking down on immigrant labor would hurt the industry. The group has taken a strong position in favor of immigratio­n that would help sustain the immigrant labor pool, warning that cutting workers from that pool would hurt American consumers.

Also on the committee are Chuck Conner, the chief executive of the National Council of Farmer Cooperativ­es, and Steve Foglesong, a former president of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Associatio­n. The farmers’ council has advocated giving illegal immigrants who work in the agricultur­e industry permanent legal status. The cattlemen’s associatio­n has promoted strengthen­ing border security but also giving illegal workers path to a legal status.

Trump’s calls to deport millions of illegal workers in the United States have been central to his candidacy, which he has framed as a necessary step to protect national security.

Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and disparagin­g comments about Mexican immigrants have riled Hispanic voters and activists, who have accused him of bigotry. In a foreign-policy address Monday in Ohio, Trump spoke at length about immigratio­n but focused on his plan to limit immigratio­n from countries in the Middle East, an extension of his proposal to ban temporaril­y Muslims from entering the United States. Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by staff members of The Associated Press.

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