Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Advisers told Federer: Take a break — now


NEW YORK — Maybe Roger Federer could play the Olympics and skip the U.S. Open. Or sit out the Rio Games and make it to New York.

The 17-time major champion contemplat­ed both scenarios, holding out hope as long as he could that he’d find a way to enter at least one of the big events in August.

In the end, his balky left knee wouldn’t allow him to do either.

At a meeting with doctors and trainers, Federer recalled, “Everybody said, ‘ You need a break — right now.’ ”

So the Swiss great announced in late July that he’d miss the rest of the season, by far the longest layoff of a remarkably healthy career.

Federer, who turned 35 this month, was in Manhattan on Wednesday to talk about playing tennis next year at the new Laver Cup team event. But for the first time since 1999, he’s not preparing for the U.S. Open.

He underwent an arthroscop­ic procedure in February to repair torn cartilage — the first surgery of his career. Federer hasn’t played since his Wimbledon loss to Milos Raonic, in which he fell awkwardly and called the trainer to check on what had become a nagging knee problem.

“I never really had pain, funny enough,” Federer said Wednesday. “It just felt unstable.” Then there was the swelling. “When it’s swollen, you can’t compete at the best level,” he added.

Federer, who also skipped the French Open because of a bad back, didn’t play tennis for five or six weeks and just now is starting to do a few things on the court. He’s focused on exercises to strengthen his left quadriceps, such as squats, so he’ll be physically ready once he ramps back up to his full workouts to prepare for January’s Australian Open.

He hurt his knee while preparing a bath for his twin daughters, then later saw his record 65-appearance streak at major tournament­s end. Federer won’t win a title in a season for the first time since 2000. And now that he missed the Rio Games, his career could end without an Olympic singles gold medal.

He insisted he hasn’t missed competitio­n yet, though maybe that will change when the U.S. Open starts next week. The quiet away from the spotlight has been nice, he said, quickly amending that to, “I’ve got four kids — it’s a different quiet.”

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