Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Resurgence of anti-Semitism


Anti-Semitism is one of those vicious maladies that ought to be close to eradicatio­n, like polio. But it turns out it’s more like crabgrass: You can never eliminate it entirely, and given half a chance, it will spread rapidly.

The evidence of that depressing reality is abundant lately. “There’s a certain atmosphere in the country that’s disturbing,” says Ken Jacobson, deputy national director of the Anti-Defamation League, which combats this and other types of bigotry. “There is a new legitimacy to saying things that were beyond the pale.” Hmm. Where could that come from? Well, Donald Trump recently accused Hillary Clinton of meeting “in secret with internatio­nal banks to plot the destructio­n of U.S. sovereignt­y in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends and her donors”—language that echoes the perennial conspiracy theories of Nazis and other anti-Semites.

But this phenomenon is not a monopoly of the alt-right. It’s also detectable on the left, particular­ly on university campuses, where campaigns to get schools to disinvest from companies that operate in Israel often end up stimulatin­g hostility toward Jews.

A recent study by the Amcha Initiative found that anti-Semitic incidents on campus increased by 45 percent in the first six months of 2016 and seemed to be connected to the “boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign” against Israel.

The evidence showed that “antiSemiti­sm was twice as likely to occur on campuses where BDS was present” and “eight times more likely to occur on campuses with at least one active antiZionis­t student group.”

A survey by scholars at Brandeis University found that Northweste­rn is one of several universiti­es “where the majority of Jewish students perceive a hostile environmen­t toward Israel, and over one-quarter perceive a general environmen­t of hostility toward Jews on their campus.” At the University of Chicago, Amhca reported 14 cases, up from two in the first six months of 2015.

The good news is that anti-Semitism is the toxic superstiti­on of a shrinking minority. Since 1992, a 2013 poll found, the share of Americans expressing such attitudes has fallen from 20 percent to 12 percent, the lowest figure on record. Those younger than 39, it showed, are “remarkably free of prejudicia­l views.”

But anyone acquainted with history knows that prejudice can wax as well as wane. Modern social media gives more outlets to bigots who once had none. Visibility can promote the disease.

So vigilance is needed now as much as ever. In the effort to combat antiSemiti­sm, no victory is permanent, and every generation has to take up the challenge.

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