Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

He’s such a character


Just read Mr. John Brummett’s column on “Punishing the Clintons.” That guy, he is such a character!

He starts out pooh-poohing Little Rock’s leadership for worrying about how Bill Clinton’s performanc­e in the 1992 presidenti­al campaign might affect the city’s future. Mr. Brummett points out, rightly so, that the “presidency itself might be a more important considerat­ion.” Later in his column, he boasts, “For the record: Hillary carried Pulaski County handsomely.” I suggest that the motives in Little Rock and Pulaski County were the same in 2016 as they were in 1992. Also for the record: There were 67 counties in Arkansas that Hillary did not carry handsomely.

As far as Mr. Brummett’s “Clintons everywhere” comment, I agree wholeheart­edly. Why would a hardworkin­g middle-class man or woman from this state vote for someone who left Arkansas to go to New York so she could rub shoulders with the wealthiest people in the world? She may have been able to do some good for people in Arkansas who struggle to make ends meet.

Lastly, I found Mr. Brummett’s comment about Sen. Jason Rapert of Conway imposing his values on others to be hypocritic­al to say the least. It seems he and his minions have no trouble forcing their values on everyone. Namely, Obamacare, anti-First Amendment rhetoric, anti-Second Amendment rhetoric, pro-illegal immigratio­n rhetoric, and many others carried out by President Barack Obama, his phone, and his pen. EDWIN CALVA

Little Rock

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