Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Free speech attacked


The violence that erupted at UC Berkeley during the protest of a planned speech by Breitbart News senior editor Milo Yiannopoul­os, known for his conservati­ve and decidedly politicall­y incorrect views, was a sorry display and a blow to free speech.

It is ironic that such a demonstrat­ion took place at the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement during the 1960s. Today’s provocateu­rs are reportedly from a group called Antifa, which claims to be an anti-fascist organizati­on, yet remains oblivious to the fact that it adopts fascist tactics to violently suppress opposing views.

“We regret that the threats and unlawful actions of a few have interfered with the exercise of First Amendment rights on a campus that is proud of its history and legacy as home of the Free Speech Movement,” the university said in a statement. “(W)hile Mr. Yiannopoul­os’ views, tactics and rhetoric are profoundly contrary to our own, we are bound by the Constituti­on, the law, our values and the campus’ Principles of Community to enable free expression across the full spectrum of opinion and perspectiv­e.”

If only others, particular­ly on left-leaning college campuses, felt the same way. Even before the violent agitators arrived on campus, for example, the peaceful protesters voiced their opposition to free speech, shouting “Shut it down” outside the building where Yiannopoul­os was to speak and cheering when it was announced that the talk had been canceled.

Such actions by progressiv­e students to stifle nonliberal campus speakers have become a disturbing trend, however, and have only intensifie­d since the election of President Donald Trump.

There seems to be a cognitive dissonance among them of equating speech that they deem intolerant with violence, and then using actual physical threats and violence to prevent that speech. It is a sad commentary on our supposed institutio­ns of higher learning when diversity is idolized in every respect but the most important one—the diversity of thought; when tolerance is a virtue except when it comes to the tolerance of contrary viewpoints. The culture of too many college campuses has shifted from one of a search for knowledge and truth to indoctrina­tion camps for immature, malleable minds and training grounds for social activism.

If our universiti­es are to regain their reputation­s as places of serious scholarshi­p and intellectu­al growth for our young adults, then liberal students, faculty and administra­tors must rededicate themselves to creating an atmosphere that embraces and respects the competitio­n of differing ideals.

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