Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR READERS: Today’s Sound Off from Tom is about businesses posting their hours: “I don’t understand how business owners think when posting operating business hours. They’re either in a very inconspicu­ous place, in small print or in a color that blends in with the darkness around it!

“On numerous occasions, I’ve had to get out of my car and walk to within 5 to 10 feet from the sign just to see the print. Like that’s safe!

“I have to wonder if whoever creates these signs steps outside during twilight hours to see if the sign is readable from a reasonable distance.”

— Tom in Tucson, Ariz. Tom, I’ve complained and written about this many, many times.

When I give speeches to business groups and owners about customer service, this is a major point. I ask them: When was the last time you drove/walked up to your front door? Can your employees give verbal directions to your business? Have you (the business owner) checked your website and internet sites that show maps and give directions? Many, many times they are not correct. Good customer relations are more important for businesses today than ever.

P.S. Owners, pretend you are your customer, and see how it feels.

DEAR READERS: Uses for old spare socks: As a cleaning or dusting cloth. For polishing shoes, silver or copper items. As a sock puppet. Tie to plastic hangers to help prevent garments from slipping. Place over elastic bandages for added security.

DEAR HELOISE: My family likes the variety of lunch meats that come in resealable plastic containers. I save these containers because I have multiple uses for them.

I use them to store leftovers, or dry goods in my pantry. They work great as small gift containers when giving multiple items.

When we have gatherings, I use these containers to send food home with family members. I don’t mind buying meats that way, since the container serves multiple purposes.

— Rachel T., via email

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