Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Informants for Iraq risk all to spy on enemy in Mosul

- QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA AND SUSANNAH GEORGE Islamic State’s territory, history arkansason­­te

MOSUL, Iraq — The Iraqi intelligen­ce agent knew something was wrong. An Islamic State group member working for him as an informant in the city of Mosul called him on his cellphone, but he didn’t identify himself by the code name they always used in their communicat­ions. Then the informant started talking to him about selling his car. The agent played along. Days later, the informant called back and explained: The militants had seen the number on his phone and, always on the hunt for spies, demanded he call it. So he did and pretended he was talking to the guy who sold him his car.

Iraqi intelligen­ce has some 300 people working as informants in Mosul, part of an informatio­n-gathering operation unfolding on the sidelines of the intense urban fighting for the city, according to officials. They have pinpointed militants’ positions and movements, warned of car bombs or hidden explosives and helped fill a list of names of Islamic State supporters.

The work is extremely dangerous.

Islamic State militants in Mosul are known to kill at the slightest suspicion of espionage. People caught speaking on mobile phones have been shot by snipers or killed and hung from lampposts, according to accounts from the city. And when Iraqi forces recapture a neighborho­od, informants face getting caught up in residents’ revenge attacks against militants.

More than half a dozen Iraqi intelligen­ce officials interviewe­d by The Associated Press described their operations. They said trust of the security forces among Mosul’s residents has been key to their efforts. However, reports of long, arbitrary detentions of men and boys suspected of links to the Islamic State risk underminin­g that trust.

During the Mosul operation, intelligen­ce agencies have built a database of some 18,000 names of suspected

Islamic State fighters, according to two Iraqi intelligen­ce officials in Baghdad who have access to the database. Male residents of retaken parts of the city are checked against the list, leading so far to the arrests of 900 people, they said.

All the officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to talk to the press.

The informants have a variety of motives. Some do it for money, since some agents pay for informatio­n.

Others do it out of hatred for the Islamic State group. One operative was an Iraqi Islamic State member who was beaten because he was caught smoking — a crime under the militants’ rule.

Another is a 70-year-old man who escaped the militants’ suspicions because of his age, the official said. But then after his neighborho­od was retaken by Iraqi forces, neighbors blew up his house in anger at the Islamic State, unaware he was secretly betraying the group.

After months of fighting, Iraqi forces have launched an operation to retake the western half of Mosul from the Islamic State group.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced the start of the operation early this morning on state television, saying government forces were moving to “liberate the people of Mosul from Daesh oppression forever,” using the Arabic acronym for Islamic State.

On a recent day on the outskirts of Mosul, an Iraqi major involved in planning the western assault scrolled through messaging apps on his phone. The screen was filled with short texts and links to satellite maps. The messages read simply: “sniper position,” “mortar team,” and “Daesh base,” using the Arabic acronym for the militant group.

A colonel in the intelligen­ce services in Baghdad said dozens of trusted informants have turned out to be double agents for the Islamic State. Last month, he sent in a tip about a roadside bomb.

The colonel vetted the tip and sent one of his men in Mosul to investigat­e. The soldier and the source were not heard from again.

“We think the source handed him over to Daesh,” he said.

Key to success has been the concerted effort by security forces to keep the support of Mosul’s Sunnis, who have resented domination by the Shiite-led government in Baghdad. They long complained of discrimina­tion and of abuses by security forces, something that helped fuel the rise of the Islamic State group. During the Mosul offensive, troops have gone out of their way to help residents and prevent sectarian tensions.

On a recent operation in eastern Mosul, Lt. Col. Muhanad al-Timimi and his men were greeted warmly by residents of the Andalus neighborho­od. They went door to door asking about Islamic State militants.

One resident, Amar Baroudi, gave the soldiers tea — and names of more than 20 Iraqis fighting for the Islamic State.

“These people were ignorant and very cruel to us,” he said of the militants. “Now I’m proud to help the security forces find them and punish them.”

That goodwill can be easily strained. Human Rights Watch says it has informatio­n indicating thousands likely have been arrested in the Mosul operation. The vast majority have not been allowed to access a lawyer or inform their families where they are, said Belkis Wille, the senior Iraq researcher for the group.

Wille said initially families from Mosul who had loved ones detained by Iraqi forces trusted they would quickly be screened and released, but as months dragged on with no news, that mood is changing.

“They had this window to regain the trust,” Wille said, “but they’re losing that opportunit­y.”

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