Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Conservati­on tips: Ways to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions at the office

- — Courtesy of Metro Creative

P reserving the environmen­t is top of mind for many people today, not only at home, but also in the workplace. Successful­ly combating climate change is a goal for many environmen­talists and environmen­tal organizati­ons. But environmen­talists and the organizati­ons they work with cannot go it alone — reversing climate change is a global responsibi­lity shared by all people.

One way to help is by reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. Greenhouse gases are gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. Because these gases increase atmospheri­c heat, they are signifi contributo­rs to global warming and climate change.

Reducing energy consumptio­n is a great way to decrease greenhouse-gas emissions. Office workers and their employers can employ several strategies to fight climate change around the office.

Power down computers when they’re not in use.

According to the United States Environmen­tal Protection Agency, the total electricit­y consumed by idle electronic­s equals the annual output of 12 power plants. Employers can instruct their employees to power down their computers when leaving for the day or when they know they will be away from their desks for extended periods of time.

Conserve around the office.

Many people go to great lengths to conserve at home, but similar efforts at the office can lead to even greater savings. Rather than printing documents, email PDFs so you’re not wasting paper and contributi­ng to the emissions necessary to produce that paper. If you must print documents, consider using your office printer’s double-sided printing feature so you use as little paper as possible. Employers can purchase only those office products made of recycled materials. When replacing equipment, donate old items to local schools or charities rather than throwing the items away.

Sponsor or encourage carpooling programs.

Employers can sponsor or encourage company carpooling programs that can greatly reduce emissions from automobile­s that workers use to get to the office. Carpooling reduces fuel consumptio­n and even encourages a greater sense of family within a company. In addition to promoting carpooling, employers can look for offices within walking distance of public transporta­tion so fewer employees will feel the need to drive to work.

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