Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR READERS: Housebreak­ing a new dog or a new-to-you dog requires two things above all else: patience and consistenc­y. Here are some doggone good hints to help:

Make sure that dogs know where they are allowed in the house. Training time is not a good time to let your dog have free roam of the house.

A crate works we l l as the dog’s space, and for many it’s a haven. Line with an old shower curtain topped with plenty of newspapers for easy cleanup.

Frequent bathroom breaks are a must. Especially upon waking up and an hour or so after eating.

Positive praise works far better than negative words.

DEAR READERS: For many of us, myself very much included, a good cup of coffee in the morning is a great way to start the day! Delicious and satisfying, the aroma, warmth and flavor all come together to say “yummy in the tummy.”

However, a dirty coffeepot can spoil the day. Coffee-bean oils and sediment can gum up the workings. Clean the pot with hot, soapy water. Rinse well and dry to prevent a buildup.

To clean a drip coffee maker, run a few cups of full-strength vinegar through once and let it sit in the unit for 20-30 minutes. Then turn on, run through a second time and follow with several cycles of water. It’s ready for the next pot of joe. Some folks insist on filtered water, but water from my tap works just great. The real hint is to wash (with soap and water) the pot often, not just rinse with water and put it back.

DEAR HELOISE: I forgo a paper shredder, preferring to tear my bills, etc., several times and toss them into a trash bag, and then I scoop my used cat litter in there.

I seriously doubt anyone will riffle through used cat litter for my personal informatio­n. Cheap and easy.

— Betty in Grand Rapids, Mich. DEAR READER: If they did, they’d deserve what they’d find.

DEAR HELOISE: After having trouble with my fingers sliding down the barrel of a ballpoint pen, I wrapped a rubber band around the lower part several times.

Result: No slipping through my fingers, and more comfortabl­e writing.

— W. Glenn H., via fax

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