Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

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The Democrat- Gazette welcomes your opinions. Unfortunat­ely, not all letters received can be published or acknowledg­ed. Clarity, brevity and originalit­y are particular­ly valued in letters to the editor. All statements of fact are checked for accuracy; letters will be edited and may be republishe­d in all media. Letters and guest columns become the property of the Democrat- Gazette and cannot be returned. No letters from nonresiden­ts, copyrighte­d material, poetry, form letters, anonymous letters or pseudonyms can be used.

Submit letters of fewer than 250 words to Voices, Arkansas Democrat- Gazette, P. O. Box 2221, Little Rock, Ark., 72203; by fax at ( 501) 372- 4765; or via our website, www. arkansason­line. com/ contact/ voicesform. Please sign your letter and include your home address and daytime telephone number for verificati­on.

The contents of the Voices page, including columns and cartoons, do not reflect the opinions of the Democrat- Gazette, which are found only in the editorial column of the Editorial page. The views expressed by columnists are their own.

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