Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Godless flocks grow, attract like-minded


WASHINGTON — The name of the gathering almost sounded like an oxymoron: the Humanist Clergy Collaborat­ory.

A meeting to organize religious leaders — for people who don’t believe in organized religion?

“Well,” Amanda Poppei said, “some people would say we’re not that organized.”

But the humanist clergy — spiritual leaders for people who don’t like to talk about God but do like to gather for a moral purpose — are trying to get a lot more organized. The collaborat­ory, which Poppei hosted at the Washington Ethical Society, the 73-year-old humanist congregati­on that she leads in Northwest Washington, brought together about 40 of them for a first-of-its-kind gathering of nonreligio­us clergy.

These clergy without a God say their movement is poised to grow dramatical­ly right now, as young American adults report a lack of religious belief in higher numbers than ever before, but also yearn for communal ties and a sense of mission in a tumultuous time.

“Even more since the election, we have folks say, ‘I’m really looking for a way either to feel hope or to do justice,’” Poppei said. The Sunday after the presidenti­al election, dozens of distressed liberal Washington­ians showed up at her service, and many have gotten involved in the congregati­on. Now, Poppei sees an opportunit­y for not just her community but for humanists nationwide.

Fueled especially by the millennial generation, the portion of Americans who say they don’t ascribe to any particular religion has

increased dramatical­ly, from 5 percent in 1972 to 25 percent today. A small portion of those 25 percent identify as atheist or agnostic. The rest tend to describe themselves using terms like “spiritual but not religious” or just “nothing in particular.”

These nonreligio­us people, of course, tend not to join religious congregati­ons. But the clergy who gathered at Washington Ethical Society last week offer them just that.

Almost all of these clergy hold services, often on Sunday mornings. As an alternativ­e to theism, these groups proffer humanism — a belief in the power of humanity and the human spirit, without supernatur­al interventi­on.

“We need spaces for secular moral stories, to raise up ideals, as a hub for service. We can’t do service as individual­s,” said James Croft, who is involved in the 400-member Ethical Society of St. Louis. “Congregati­ons help people make sense of terrible events. Congregati­ons do memorials, weddings, baby namings.”

Humanists looking for gatherings have more options than they might think. At last

week’s meeting, Susann Heap of the United Coalition of Reason demonstrat­ed a new app for finding hundreds of humanist meetings in dozens of cities, with activities ranging from secular meditation to God-free addiction recovery.

Heap, who was in training to become a minister in the Church of England before reading noncanonic­al gospels and other materials that led to a change of heart, explained the motivation for the app: “Why should a person who doesn’t believe in a deity feel alone?”

Most of the clergy at this summit, who came from as far away as the United Kingdom and Saskatchew­an, belong to one of various humanists movements: the Ethical Culture movement; the Society for Humanistic Judaism, which keeps Jewish culture but strips God out of it; and the Unitarian Universali­st church, which welcomes members to believe in God or not. Poppei, who trained as a Unitarian Universali­st minister and now leads a congregati­on in the Ethical Culture movement, worked with humanist Rabbi Jeffrey Falick and Unitarian minister David Breeden to convene a broader range of humanists

at Poppei’s congregati­on for a two-day meeting last month. They think the last such meeting was held in 1984 — and before that, in the 1870s.

The topics of discussion sessions during the meeting include: how humanists should counsel people who are dying or grieving; how people who don’t have faith can still participat­e in interfaith programs; and what spirituali­ty means, and whether humanists can or should lay claim to it.

“Sometimes atheists, in my experience, they cede too much linguistic ground to theists, when it comes to spirituali­ty,” Sincere Kirabo, a social justice organizer at the American Humanist Associatio­n, said in one of the discussion groups.

Barry Swan, the leader of a Rochester, N.Y., humanistic synagogue, agreed. “I have a faith in humanity. I can have faith also. I am also not a nonbelieve­r.”

The clergy discussed ways that they could work together on future projects, like serving more humanist patients in hospitals, sharing scripts for faith-free weddings and getting involved in social justice movements. The keynote speakers, Kirabo and Kansas City activist Diane Burkholder,

spoke about the humanist community’s need to do more to include black people and address racism.

But for all the grand plans, Poppei boiled the explanatio­n for what these nonreligio­us congregati­ons can do down to very simple terms. A new member came to her service recently, she said. The woman was in her 30s, had been an atheist all her life, and had never much thought that she was missing anything by not belonging to a religious community. Except one thing.

“I didn’t know, when I got sick someday, who was going to bring me a casserole,” the woman told Poppei.

Now that she’s in an Ethical Culture society, she knows where that supportive casserole will come from, Poppei said. “I think that’s what people are looking for.”

 ?? THE WASHINGTON POST/JULIE ZAUZMER ?? Humanist clergy from as far as England and Saskatchew­an gather at Washington Ethical Society in Washington.
THE WASHINGTON POST/JULIE ZAUZMER Humanist clergy from as far as England and Saskatchew­an gather at Washington Ethical Society in Washington.

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