Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

DEAR MR. WOLFF: If a partnershi­p tends to open light, with initial actions starting at 10 HCP, does this need to be alerted? I had thought 10 HCP was the lower limit unless a pre-alert is made. Then it might become an issue if some clubs won’t allow it in first or second seat. — What About Bob,

Panama City, Fla. DEAR READER: I agree that systematic­ally light openers starting at fewer than 11 points should be pre-alerted. Those people playing strong club often do it and don’t alert it, but in my opinion it is, at the very minimum, a courtesy you owe your opponents.

DEAR MR. WOLFF: Please comment on the pros and cons of a Walsh style of responding to a club opener in a major rather than in diamonds unless you have invitation­al or better values? This may mean bidding a four-card major in front of a four- or even five-card diamond suit.

— Road Warrior, Newark, N.J. DEAR READER: The plusses of the bypass are that opener gets to rebid one no-trump over one diamond when balanced, while bidding a major promises real clubs. It isn’t all one-way traffic, of course, but I like the general idea. I believe that having opener rebid notrump when balanced is a big plus. This doesn’t mean there won’t be counterexa­mples where diamonds get lost. But these days, minor suits seem to be going out of style.

DEAR MR. WOLFF: After a one-club opener to your right, with J-2, A-J-9-86, K-10-6, A-Q-3, where do you stand on the issue of overcallin­g in the major or bidding one no-trump? What are the factors that influence you in a decision of this sort?

— Germanicus, Huntington, W.Va. DEAR READER: With a good five-carder and a small doubleton, I think the odds are weighted to overcall in the major instead of bidding a strong no-trump. You may occasional­ly have to reopen with a takeout double if you overcall, when the opponents find spades, since you are at the top end of the range for an overcall. But I do not think we will often miss game if I make the simple overcall. We might miss hearts if I bid one no-trump, however.

DEAR MR. WOLFF: If you play in three spades doubled and make two overtricks not vulnerable, I understand you double the trick score to get 180, then add 50 for insult and 300 for game. But is making the extra tricks worth 30 or 60 above the line?

— Pack-Rat, Union City, Tenn. DEAR READER: The score for three spades doubled is indeed 180 for tricks, with 50 for insult and 300 for game. But you score 100 for each doubled overtrick, which comes to 730. The general rule is that doubled overtricks are 100 non-vulnerable, 200 if vulnerable. Meanwhile, redoubled overtricks are 200 or 400 each. Incidental­ly, the back of the cards in the bidding boxes lists all the possible outcomes for each contract, doubled or redoubled.


With ; A-8-7-2, k J-8, l A-Q-9-6-4, ' Q-3, when you hear your partner open one club, you respond one diamond and hear partner raise to two diamonds. Would you blast three no-trump now or take a slower route? — Psycho Killer,

Hoboken, N.J. DEAR READER: I’m not averse to concealing my hand type under the right conditions. Here, though, I am in doubt about the strain and level, so I go with two spades. No-trump could easily be much better from my partner’s hand, by the way.

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