Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

U.S., TURKISH presidents vow to mend ties.

U.S., Turkish leaders upbeat, but at odds on arming Kurds

- COMPILED BY DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE STAFF FROM WIRE REPORTS Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Vivian Salama of The Associated Press and by Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Mark Landler of The New York Times.

WASHINGTON — The presidents of the United States and Turkey vowed Tuesday to repair a relationsh­ip battered by years of disputes over Syria’s civil war and its various fighting groups, even as they broached a new disagreeme­nt over U.S. plans to arm Kurdish fighters.

Welcoming Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the White House, President Donald Trump said, “Today, we face a new enemy in the fight against terrorism, and again we seek to face this threat together.”

Trump said the U.S. would re-establish its military and economic partnershi­p with Turkey. He committed to backing Turkey’s fight against the Islamic State extremist group and a Kurdish insurgency known as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which the United States, the European Union and Turkey all consider a terrorist organizati­on.

Such groups will “have no safe quarter,” Trump said in the White House’s Roosevelt Room, where he also commended Turkey’s “leadership in seeking an end to the horrific killing in Syria.”

Erdogan issued a statement afterward congratula­ting Trump for his presidenti­al election victory. While Erdogan called for the extraditio­n of a Pennsylvan­ia-based cleric he blames for a failed coup in Turkey last summer, there was little tension.

The biggest dispute between the two NATO allies in recent days has been the U.S. plans to arm Kurdish Syrian militants to help them fight the Islamic State. Turkey has been pressuring the U.S. to drop support for the militants and doesn’t want them spearheadi­ng an operation to retake the Islamic State’s self-declared capital of Raqqa.

Turkey believes that the Kurds in Syria are linked to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party. The United States sees the Syrian Kurds as its best battlefiel­d partner on the ground in northern Syria.

Last month, the Turkish military bombed Kurdish forces in Syria and Iraq, in one case with U.S. forces only about 6 miles away. Erdogan’s government also has insisted it may attack Syrian Kurdish fighters again. The U.S., whose forces are sometimes embedded with the Kurds, has much to fear.

In his statement to reporters, Trump did not directly address his decision to arm the Kurds. But he asserted the U.S. and Turkey’s mutual commitment to ending Syria’s conflict.

The meeting took place with a White House still responding to what a senior U.S. official said was Trump’s disclosure of classified informatio­n about an Islamic State terror threat involving laptop computers on aircraft.

Trump shared the threat in a meeting with Russia’s foreign minister and ambassador in the Oval Office last week, according to the official, who wasn’t authorized to speak publicly on the matter and demanded anonymity.

The U.S. is relying on regional allies including Turkey for intelligen­ce-sharing and military assistance as it crafts a Syria policy, particular­ly as Iran and Russia work to bolster Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government.

Trump launched cruise missiles last month at a Syrian air base after accusing Assad of using chemical weapons. But the president hasn’t outlined a strategy to quell the sixyear civil war or usher Assad out of power, which his administra­tion says will be needed to stabilize the Arab country.

Trump has gone out of his way to foster a good relationsh­ip with Erdogan. After a national referendum last month that strengthen­ed Erdogan’s presidenti­al powers, European leaders and rights advocates criticized Turkey for moving closer toward autocratic rule. Trump congratula­ted Erdogan.

Erdogan on Tuesday praised Trump for the “legendary triumph” he had achieved in the election and declared that his first meeting with the new president would be a “historical turn of tide” in the Turkey-U.S. relationsh­ip.

“We are committed to fighting all forms of terrorism, without any discrimina­tion whatsoever, that impose a clear and a present threat upon our future,” Erdogan said through a translator.

Turkey is also pushing — so far, without success — for the extraditio­n of Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric living in Pennsylvan­ia, whom the Turkish government accuses of orchestrat­ing a coup attempt against Erdogan in July of last year.

 ?? AP/PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS ?? President Donald Trump welcomes Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the White House on Tuesday, where the two leaders discussed fence-mending and the war on terror.
AP/PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS President Donald Trump welcomes Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the White House on Tuesday, where the two leaders discussed fence-mending and the war on terror.

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