Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Scandals here, there and everywhere


Call it the political equivalent of supply-side economics: The supply of scandal in the news always rises to meet the demand. But as in the economy, inflation soon sets in and each scandal seems to have less effect on a public grown insensitiv­e. For if everything is a scandal, then nothing is. And what’s supposed to shock no longer does. Especially when a president at the center of the supposed firestorm seems to be enjoying it as he tweets merrily along.

Nothing seems to amuse Donald J. Trump like the impotence of his critics; he appears to revel in it. His critics call him Nixonian in honor of his devious ways, but they might as well refer to him as Clintonesq­ue. Each president seems to handle scandals in his own way. In this case, the Donald is much more Jacksonian than Nixonian, choosing defiance over compliance with the opposition’s demands. Richard M. Nixon let his FBI director Patrick Gray twist slowly in the wind. But this president simply dropped James Comey, who’s no longer his FBI director. He did the same to Michael Flynn, who was his national security adviser. Who’ll be next to go, nobody knows, but one can be sure there are a lot of folks sweating in the White House.

Was James Comey, the now former head of the FBI, fired because his decisions appeared to favor Hillary Clinton in last year’s heated presidenti­al campaign, or because earlier he’d seemed to side with her? Why not both? Scandals don’t seem to observe partisan lines; they have a way of slopping over.

Here in Arkansas, state treasurer Dennis Milligan remains a sure source of scandals, ticking them off like clockwork. This time he’s been obliged to dismiss a crony from a $70,000-a-year job as the state’s bond dealer because, uh oh, that official didn’t have the college degree that the state’s Board of Finance decided he should.

Treasurer Milligan instead proposed qualificat­ions for the job tailormade for his choice, Ronald Roberson. Or as one member of the Board of Finance, Al Harkins, sensibly put it, “one of my concerns here is that we have someone making decisions at the investment level that does not have a degree to go along with it. And if anything should go wrong, I don’t know who takes the heat. But it may be us if we set these standards.” What’s this, a sign of forethough­t and a sense of responsibi­lity on the part of a state official? Will wonders never cease!

This is all a mere technicali­ty, answers Treasurer Milligan, who as usual has much to answer for. It was left to Mr. Harkins to point out that “years of experience shouldn’t replace requiring a degree.” Unless the people of Arkansas don’t believe the lip service our politician­s pay to the importance of education, or at least the outward signs of it. As a character in a Gilbert & Sullivan operetta puts it when someone points out his contradict­ory claims, they were all merely “collaborat­ive detail, intended to give artistic verisimili­tude to an otherwise bald and unconvinci­ng narrative.”

Some of us might prefer a simple, honest, straightfo­rward lie to the contortion­s into which politician­s twist themselves while trying to defend the indefensib­le—like kicking the can down the road to another session of Congress or the state Legislatur­e. Or maybe adding a fourth branch of government—the Office of Independen­t Prosecutor—to the three and only three provided by the Constituti­on of

the United States.

The first rule of good government—keep it simple, keep it accountabl­e, keep it understand­able— seems to have disappeare­d in this the spring of our discontent. The Constituti­on of the United States is an intricate document with wheels within wheels as each of the three branches of government balances the others. To quote an English statesman of some note named William E. Gladstone: “As the British constituti­on is the most subtle organism which has proceeded from the womb and the long gestation of progressiv­e history, so the American Constituti­on is, as far as I can see, the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man.”

His tribute to our Constituti­on shines like a light through all the distractin­g glitter of this gilded age. Let us hold fast to his words through all the scandals that come and go as we natives grow restless on this side of the pond. For we Americans have matters more important to attend just now than just cutting each other up.

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