Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Something’s happening here

Is the U.S. becoming a failing state?


We have a leader whose vanity knows no bounds. We have a rapacious family feathering their nests without regard for the law or common decency. We have utter disregard for values at home and abroad, disdain for democracy, hunger for constraini­ng a free press, and admiration for thugs and strongmen worldwide.

We have all the makings of a banana republic. But worse, we are showing the telltale signs of a failing state. Party politics and gross self-interest has rendered the majority party oblivious to its responsibi­lities to its constituen­ts and the Constituti­on of the United States. On a daily basis, Republican­s watch their leader violate not only the traditions and standards of the high office he occupies, but through inaction they enable him to personally profit from the presidency, promote policies that benefit his cronies and his class to the detriment of the majority of the American people and serially attack the principles on which the country was founded, from freedom of religion to the separation of powers.

We now know that Donald Trump chose a man as his top national security adviser whom the prior president had both fired and warned him against hiring. We know that Trump’s White House failed to vet this man who would be entrusted with some of America’s most sensitive secrets and decisions. We know they did not get him

the security clearances his position required yet allowed him to operate freely in that position. We know that this man, Gen. Michael Flynn, took significan­t cash payments from an enemy, Russia, and from a nominal ally with which we have precarious relations, Turkey. We know Flynn failed to disclose those payments in violation of the law.

We know that the only thing likely to keep Flynn from serving time for felonies is if he strikes a bargain with the prosecutor­s who are now investigat­ing his behavior. As a consequenc­e of revelation­s associated with those investigat­ions, we know that Flynn had contact with Russian officials during the campaign and, after he was named national security adviser, had conversati­ons with the Russian ambassador about which he lied to the American people and, ostensibly, to the vice president of the United States. We know these conversati­ons were likely illegal.

We do not know when the president became aware of Flynn’s Russia ties or whether he approved or disapprove­d of them. We do know that other members of his campaign team—including his campaign chairman and a named foreign policy adviser—also had ties to Moscow that were close enough that they were compelled to resign during the campaign. We also believe they may be at the center of a federal investigat­ion that began during last year’s campaign into the nature of the relationsh­ips between the Trump campaign and a Russian government that was actively trying to undermine U.S. democracy. We know that another Trump campaign adviser, Roger Stone, admitted to contact with known Russian agents, including contact that might be seen to suggest collusion regarding the timing of releases of hacked documents damaging to the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Trump had been aware of the controvers­y surroundin­g these ties even before the GOP convention last year. He has obviously been aware of the investigat­ions into these ties since his

victory. Not only has this apparently not colored his public actions, but he has repeatedly expressed admiration for Vladimir Putin, support for Moscow’s attack on U.S. democracy, support for policies that would benefit the Russians, and has espoused a view that the Russians were not behind these attacks despite the unanimous view of the entire U.S. intelligen­ce community.

When on Jan. 24 Trump was told by the acting attorney general of the United States, Sally Yates, that there was compelling evidence that Flynn had lied and that he might be compromise­d by the Russians, Trump did nothing. For three weeks Flynn continued to serve as national security adviser, take classified briefings, sit in on sensitive calls, appoint personnel, and oversee the national security activities of the Trump administra­tion. It was not until a newspaper report revealed the investigat­ion into Flynn that Trump was forced to reluctantl­y let him go. Before that, ostensibly for other reasons but that also showed his contempt for the independen­t operations of the Justice Department, Trump fired the woman who had brought him the news about Flynn.

Days after that woman’s testimony before Congress and prior testimony by the director of the FBI made it clear that there was an ongoing, serious investigat­ion of the Trump team’s ties to Russia, the president chose to fire the head of the FBI. In the middle of an

investigat­ion into the possibilit­y that some of his closest advisers committed extraordin­arily serious crimes— and before anyone could know what Trump’s role in or knowledge of those crimes might have been—Trump fired the man heading the investigat­ion into his team. When one includes the dismissal of former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, this makes the third high-profile firing of someone playing a pivotal role into the investigat­ion of the Trump administra­tion in the brief time since the president took office.

Trump has repeatedly shown a reckless disregard for U.S. national security and national interests. He has shown a contempt for the law and for the American legal system. And when challenges to the legality of the behavior of his associates have arisen, Trump has repeatedly acted in ways that appear intended to prevent or impede the ability of those who would seek the truth. Perhaps worse, he regularly takes to Twitter and other media to do to them what he never does to the Russians who attacked our democracy: denigrate and discredit those individual­s for doing their jobs and upholding their sworn duties.

This disturbing behavior is made more worrisome by the fact that in other circumstan­ces, as when the legality of immigratio­n policies were repeatedly struck down by the courts, he has attacked judges and shown no

appreciati­on for their independen­t and equivalent status to the executive branch in our system of government. He has repeatedly shown a desire to attack the system, laws, and Constituti­on he swore an oath to uphold. He has done so using all the tools of a demagogue and some of those more commonly associated with authoritar­ian regimes.

We have reached a moment of crisis in the history of American democracy. Along with the massacre of Yates, Bharara, and Comey as they carried forward their investigat­ive responsibi­lities, the pressure on others in government will grow. CNN has reported that grand jury subpoenas have been issued for Flynn associates with regard to the Russia matter. They have also reported that the Senate Finance Committee is seeking financial records of the Trump team as part of their investigat­ion.

But while this investigat­ion is gaining momentum, Trump is acting more brazenly and desperatel­y (as illustrate­d not just by the Comey action or his tweets seeking to intimidate Sally Yates prior to her testimony, but also by his bizarre behavior including, for example, the weird, distorted, and misleading interpreta­tion of the testimony of former Director of National Intelligen­ce James Clapper). Trump’s dismissal letter of Comey also strangely referenced “three separate occasions” on which the FBI director informed the president that he was not “under investigat­ion” before going on to say that he “neverthele­ss” agreed with the Department of Justice that Comey should be fired.

What does that “neverthele­ss” mean? It seems to suggest that had Comey not allegedly said Trump wasn’t under investigat­ion, he would have had grounds to dismiss him.

Trump is acting like a desperate man, not to mention a guilty one. That his team, in particular Kellyanne Conway, has gone on television to argue that somehow the Comey firing was OK because Trump is not personally under investigat­ion is the defense of a narcissist who does not understand the responsibi­lities he has as president.

The rest of the world sees an America unlike any they can recall and a leader who is clearly not fit for office. Said one diplomat from a close ally in this hemisphere, “We often have discussion­s at home as to whether Trump is crazy. We think he is. We have had experience with leaders like this in South America. But I never expected to see it in Washington.”

But for every depredatio­n or attack on our system by Trump and his team, for every act of complicity by the invertebra­tes who lead the GOP on Capitol Hill, there has been some portion of the U.S. government and system to counterbal­ance it. Judges have stayed bad executive orders. The FBI has investigat­ed, personal career consequenc­es for the investigat­ors be damned.

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