Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

In the news


Lila Mae Bryan, 82, the Texas woman detained for two hours in Wichita, Kan., after hitting an airport security officer who confiscate­d her too-big bottle of hand gel, expressed embarrassm­ent, saying she’s a “plain old grandma” who forgot to take her medication.

Breon Hollings, 22, of Jacksonvil­le, Fla., who took to Facebook Live video to show friends a pile of money, was interrupte­d mid-livestream by police who arrested him on drug charges.

Bill Maher, the host of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher who, in live banter with Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., used a derogatory word in calling himself a house slave, apologized for the remark, adding “the word was offensive, and I regret saying it.”

William Bridgeo, city manager in Augusta, Maine, reported that the city’s municipal office building had to be closed and sprayed for bedbugs after an unidentifi­ed man, complainin­g about an infestatio­n at his former apartment, scattered a cup of the pests in an administra­tive office.

Muriel Bowser, the mayor of the District of Columbia, where three nooses in a week’s time have been found hanging around the city, told residents of the majority-black neighborho­od where the latest noose was found that the perpetrato­r would be caught and the city would not be intimidate­d.

Danielle Bregoli, 14, of Florida, who coined the phrase “cash me outside,” is suing the makers of phone apps “Cash Me Outside” and “How Bout Dat,” accusing the companies of profiting off her “likeness, voice, and signature catchphras­e without consent.”

Gonzalo Curiel, the federal judge who oversaw a Trump University lawsuit and was criticized by Donald Trump over his Mexican heritage, addressed the graduating class at his alma mater, Bishop Noll Institute in Hammond, Ind., extolling the U.S. as a “great mosaic” of people.

George Conway, husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, has withdrawn from considerat­ion as head of the Justice Department’s civil division, saying it is not his time to leave the private sector.

Dane Anderson, the unofficial spokesman for several 20-something men who posted a Craigslist ad seeking a “generic father figure” to grill for them on Father’s Day weekend in Spokane, Wash., said the group is ready to grill but none of the men’s fathers lives close enough to be their “BBQ dad.”

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