Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Dicamba ban heads to lawmakers


A proposed ban on dicamba, a herbicide believed to have caused damage to thousands of acres of soybeans and other crops and produce, has been referred to legislativ­e committees.

The proposal — as recommende­d June 23 by the state Plant Board and backed a week later by Gov. Asa Hutchinson — got a cool, if not hostile, reception Wednesday from the eightmembe­r executive subcommitt­ee of the Arkansas Legislativ­e Council.

The subcommitt­ee referred the proposed ban to a special joint meeting at 9 a.m. Friday of the House and Senate committees on agricultur­e, forestry and economic developmen­t. The executive subcommitt­ee will take up the matter again, at 1 p.m. Friday.

As of noon Wednesday, the Plant Board, a division of the state Department of Agricultur­e, had received 551 complaints of damage to soybeans, cotton, vegetables and fruit, up from 25 complaints four weeks ago.

The increasing numbers led Hutchinson to sign on to a 120-day emergency ban on the sale and use of dicamba.

Only one dicamba-based herbicide — BASF’s — has been approved for in-crop use in Arkansas. All other formulatio­ns of dicamba are illegal because of their propensity to drift or to lift from targeted crops at night, during a temperatur­e process called inversion, and move, in either a gas or liquid form, to distant fields.

“I am concerned that more limited options were not fully debated and considered because of the need for quick action,” Hutchinson wrote in approving the board’s pro-

posed ban. “I know the Plant Board also shares my concern that this action is being taken in the middle of a growing season, but the volume of complaints do justify emergency action.”

While putting that matter off until Friday, the subcommitt­ee did approve the Plant Board’s request to expedite its role in implementi­ng stiffer fines for “egregious” violations of Arkansas regulation­s for spraying dicamba. Those fines, which take effect Aug. 1, increase the current maximum fine of $1,000 to as much as $25,000.

Only one of the eight members of the Legislativ­e Council’s executive subcommitt­ee — Speaker of the House Jeremy Gillam, R-Judsonia — represents a district where soybeans are grown. The seven others represent districts where agricultur­al production primarily is in cattle, timber and pasturelan­d.

Gillam and other subcommitt­ee members noted that thousands of Arkansas farmers planted new dicambatol­erant soybeans in expectatio­ns of having a legal herbicide they could use the entire

growing season. Monsanto released the dicamba-tolerant seed before the federal Environmen­tal Protection Agency had approved the accompanyi­ng dicamba herbicide.

Gillam, a farmer who primarily grows blueberrie­s, asked “how in the world?” the Plant Board could approve BASF’s Engenia herbicide last December and, six months later, recommend banning the product.

Terry Walker, the Plant Board’s director, agreed those farmers are in a predicamen­t but, even with a ban on dicamba, still have options — chemically and manually — to control weeds in their fields. He said the board had an obligation to protect farmers who chose not to plant the Monsanto soybeans, farmers with fruit crops and residents with vegetable gardens.

“If I have a 2-acre ‘truck patch,’ that 2 acres is just as important to me as a hundred acres of soybeans” are to another farmer, Walker said, referring to farmers who sell their vegetables and fruit from roadsides.

Farmers who planted the resistant crops, sold as Xtend, wanted a dicamba herbicide, and the Plant Board voted, after months of study, to give them one, he said.

The Engenia product had been tested over the years by state weed scientists for both its efficacy against weeds and for any tendencies to drift with the wind or to volatilize off targeted fields and move to susceptibl­e crops, Walker said, adding it is impossible for weed scientists to replicate, on test plots, the effects of largescale spraying of dicamba.

The proposed ban would not apply to forage and pasture, although there are buffers and other restrictio­ns in place.

Arkansas farmers planted about 3.3 million acres of soybeans this year. Monsanto has said its dicamba tolerant beans are on about 1.5 million acres.

More than half of the 551 complaints have come from four counties — Mississipp­i, Crittenden, Craighead and Poinsett. Complaints also have come in from 19 other counties, extending west to Pulaski County and southwest to Little River County.

Almost all of those complaints are still being investigat­ed, Walker said. Plant Board inspectors have had on-site visits for 200 to 250 of those complaints and determined that dicamba was the source of damage on at least 90 percent of those fields.

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