Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Ryan faces questions on return to Wisconsin

Conservati­ves criticize lack of legislatio­n, House speaker’s splits with Trump


MUKWONAGO, Wis. — With a dysfunctio­nal Congress on recess, House Speaker Paul Ryan has turned his focus back home, touring flood- damaged areas and visiting businesses in Wisconsin. But he can’t escape the questions about why Republican­s in charge of Washington aren’t delivering.

Though he has won re- election easily for years, Ryan faces the prospect of challenges from left and right and an energized Democratic base in next year’s midterm elections.

“We have a majority in the House and Senate and it feels like nothing’s getting done,” 32- year- old James Hulsey said just before Ryan recently toured his workplace.

Sensing the angst, Ryan has been much more visible in his southeast Wisconsin district as Republican­s failed to deliver on their yearslong promise to scrap the 2010 health care law, and as new polling numbers show the speaker is less popular among Republican­s in Wisconsin than President Donald Trump.

Trump won Wisconsin by less than a percentage point, but he carried Ryan’s district by 10 points.

In the remaining months of the year, Ryan and the Republican­led Congress are determined to deliver major legislatio­n, elusive so far, and the top priority is overhaulin­g the nation’s tax code.

Failure to produce could cost Republican­s their House majority in the 2018 midterms and, for Ryan, his job as speaker and Republican leader.

“This is the third time in 100 years we’ve had this alignment of government that we’ve got to get it done or else I [ am] really worried our country will continue down a bad path,” Ryan said after his tour of the wire manufactur­er Banker Wire in Mukwonago.

He later told the Wisconsin State Journal, “If we don’t do our job, we will depress turnout. I am frustrated as well.”

Republican Keith Ketzler, 62, worries that the GOP will pay politicall­y next year. Democrats need to flip 24 seats to regain control.

“Everybody that voted Republican is getting very frustrated,” Ketzler said, after prodding Ryan about why Congress hasn’t achieved more.

Ryan angered some conservati­ves during the campaign with comments critical of Trump.

But in the first six months of Trump’s term, Ryan has been far less critical of the president than other Republican lawmakers who have challenged a number of Trump moves, including the president’s criticism of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a former senator.

Ryan’s Republican primary challenger last year, Paul Nehlen, initially won the backing of then- candidate Trump, who later switched to Ryan. Ryan beat Nehlen by 70 percentage points in the primary.

But Nehlen, who is running again, thinks 2018 will be more difficult for Ryan, arguing that he hasn’t done enough to appease Trump supporters.

“President Trump has given Paul Ryan way more opportunit­ies to stand up and back him, and what he has done is really undermine him,” Nehlen said.

Beating Ryan will not be easy.

No Democrat has represente­d the district since 1995. Ryan has cruised to re- election ever since he joined Congress in 1999 — winning by 35 percentage points last year.

He has $ 11.5 million in the bank and is a familiar face in Janesville, where he was born and raised and still lives with his wife and three children.

Democrats are pinning their hopes on Randy Bryce, an Army veteran and union iron worker.

He appears to have walked out of Hollywood central casting — complete with a dark mustache, thick biceps, faded blue jeans and a promise to fight for the working man.

Bryce is trying to capitalize on disenchant­ment over Ryan’s role in the health care bill as he mounts his campaign.

Bryce generated excitement among Democrats both in Wisconsin and nationally for his announceme­nt video in June that has now been viewed more than 550,000 times.

It begins with a clip of Trump praising Ryan’s attempts to undo the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and then shows Bryce getting emotional as his mother details her struggle with multiple sclerosis.

“You can come work the iron,” the hardhat- wearing Bryce challenges Ryan, “and I’ll go to D. C.”

Bryce raised $ 430,000 in the first two weeks after the spot ran.

Ryan has tried to shift the conversati­on from the collapse of the GOP health care effort and toward tax overhauls and the news that Taiwanese iPhone manufactur­er Foxconn plans to invest $ 10 billion in a factory in his congressio­nal district that could employ 13,000 people.

Ryan launched a series of campaign- style online ads highlighti­ng the news that the plant was coming near abandoned automobile factories in his hometown of Janesville and nearby Kenosha.

But Ryan’s involvemen­t isn’t resonating with all the voters in his district.

“Paul Ryan? I don’t know what he’s done for it,” said Republican voter Jeff Lunde of Ryan’s role in the Foxconn deal.

“They’re all working on this stupid health care crap.”

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