Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Venezuela orders lawmaker’s arrest

Ruling seen as bid to silence opponents


CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuela’s high court issued an arrest order for the ousted chief prosecutor’s husband Thursday after authoritie­s accused him of running a $6 million extortion ring, a ruling promptly denounced by government critics as a move aimed at silencing opponents of President Nicolas Maduro.

The government-stacked Supreme Court also announced that it was referring German Ferrer’s case to the new, all-powerful constituti­onal assembly. The assembly was installed earlier this month at Maduro’s behest after a widely criticized vote, and late Thursday it voted unanimousl­y to lift Ferrer’s immunity from prosecutio­n that comes with legislativ­e office.

Ferrer is a lawmaker formerly aligned with Maduro’s administra­tion who has stood by his wife, Luisa Ortega Diaz, in denouncing the assembly’s creation.

In a statement to the media, Ferrer denied signing documents that officials are holding up as evidence that he opened a bank account in the Bahamas to facilitate transactio­ns.

“This government no longer has any limits or shame,” he wrote.

Tarek William Saab, who was named by the constituti­onal assembly to replace Ortega Diaz as chief prosecutor, said Wednesday that the alleged criminal ring extorted money from people including businessme­n in the nation’s oil industry in return for protecting them from prosecutio­n.

Ruling socialist party leader Diosdado Cabello provided prosecutor­s with papers allegedly showing that Ferrer and others opened six bank accounts at the Bahamas branch of a Swiss bank.

In his statement, Ferrer said the documents “don’t pass muster.”

Cabello’s involvemen­t in the case led many to conclude it is politicall­y motivated. Opposition lawmaker Henry Allup questioned the timing of the charges, asking why they appeared so soon after Ferrer broke publicly with Maduro’s government.

“This is a way to intimidate,” he said.

Ferrer and Ortega Diaz’s whereabout­s Thursday were not clear. Authoritie­s raided their home the previous day.

Meanwhile, a so-called truth commission establishe­d by the president’s constituti­onal assembly announced investigat­ions into Julio Borges, president of the National Assembly, and Freddy Guevara, the assembly’s vice president, claiming that they promoted violent anti-government protests that have left more than 100 people dead.

Thousands of people have been detained in four months of anti-government street protests. Since the constituti­onal assembly was installed, five mayors have been removed with arrest warrants. But the assembly is poised to vote on a broad new measure, proposed by Maduro, that could punish government critics with up to 25 years in prison.

The constituti­onal assembly, which is in charge of rewriting the nation’s charter and trumps all other branches of government, has been condemned by dozens of foreign nations that refuse to recognize it.

Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Nathan Crooks of Bloomberg News.

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