Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Message to president


As a young boy my parents instilled in me a set of values and principles that they hoped would serve as a framework for how I would live my life. We went to church and were taught God’s rules about respect, dignity, and humility. I was taught the importance of telling the truth. I came to realize that a liar is someone you can’t trust, someone of weak character, and oftentimes the tool of a bully.

President Trump, you are a liar. This isn’t a profound statement; your record speaks for itself. No need to roll out a laundry list of your lies; I would have to have a couple of pages of this newspaper. It started with the Obama birther thing and has continued on an almost-daily basis.

I think we can agree that the press is quick to take issue with your lies, and thus you introduced the term “fake news.” Yes, you scream or tweet that every time you are backed in the corner, or are criticized over one of your actions. I understand why you scream “fake news.” You don’t like it when you can’t control the message. You would like to be the only voice that America hears.

Many of your supporters try to make excuses, rationaliz­ing your behavior because you’re not a politician, you come from the rough-and-tumble world of business. They like your “shoot from the hip” style and are willing to overlook the lies. But many people, myself included, are becoming tired of the tirades, the threats, the cries of “fake news.”

I have enjoyed and trusted six decades of “mainstream media,” realizing that a free press is a fundamenta­l part of our great democracy. I trust them more than I trust you, sir. I respect the office of the presidency, but I do not respect you, sir. JOHN GREEN Eureka Springs

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