Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

‘ Lock her up’ revisited


Calls by some Republican­s for a special counsel to investigat­e Hillary Clinton are part of a desperate effort by the president, his allies in Congress and the rightwing media to take the focus off investigat­ions into the Trump campaign’s conduct and possible collusion with Russia.

Earlier this month Trump tweeted: “Everybody is asking why the Justice Department ( and FBI) isn’t looking into all of the dishonesty going on with Crooked Hillary & the Dems.” And Republican members of Congress have offered insinuatio­ns they claim justify the appointmen­t of a special counsel.

This dubious bill of particular­s includes Clinton’s ( minimal) role as secretary of State in the approval of the purchase by a Russian company of a controllin­g stake in Uranium One, whose major investor had contribute­d to the Clinton Foundation, the investigat­ion of Clinton’s use of a private email server, and the Democrats’ funding of the socalled dossier about Trump and Russia.

On Tuesday Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions told the House Judiciary Committee that any decision to name another special counsel would be guided by law, not politics.

To his credit, Sessions told the committee that any decision would be based on Justice Department regulation­s and facts. After Rep. Jim Jordan ( R- Ohio) suggested that it “looks like” a special counsel is justified, Sessions replied: “I would say ‘ looks like’ is not enough basis to appoint a special counsel.”

But Sessions sent a mixed message on whether he would be involved in the decision about whether to appoint a special counsel. He shouldn’t be.

At his confirmati­on hearings, Sessions promised the Senate that, because of his role in the Trump campaign, he would recuse himself from matters related to Clinton or the Clinton Foundation. He needs to remember that promise.

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