Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio,Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR READERS: Here are some Christmas decorating safety hints, courtesy of the National Fire Protection Associatio­n (

Look for decoration­s that are flame-resistant. This is important.

Worn cords and loose bulbs are fire hazards.

Never use indoor lights outdoors, or vice versa.

Mount lights with clips. Nails can damage the cord.

Real candles are dangerous. Look for beautiful flameless choices.

The NFPA reminds us to turn off all decoration­s and stringed lights at the end of the evening. Don’t go to bed with them on.

DEAR HELOISE: I have some hints to share: I save shipping and durable grocery-item boxes for use as gift boxes. The boxes stores provide aren’t very strong.

I put a lovely Christmas card in each of our neighbors’ mailboxes on Christmas Eve, along with some baked goodies.

On greeting cards that have the price on the back, I put a cute sticker over it.

— Ellen F., Manassas, Va.

DEAR HELOISE: For an on-the-go snack, I place apple slices in a zippered sandwich bag, zip it closed almost all the way across, insert a straw into bag, suck the air out and close the bag the rest of the way. This will keep the apples fresh a bit longer.

— Janet Z., Devine, Texas

DEAR HELOISE: I forgot to water my poinsettia plant for about a week. I poured a cup of water through the soil several times. When the water didn’t run through anymore, about half an hour later, the plant started to perk up!

— Alice F., Ohio DEAR READER: The University of Illinois Extension has some hints for caring for poinsettia plants:

The plants need indirect sunlight for around six hours per day. Drafty spots in your home are bad for the plants. Houseplant fertilizer, applied once every 30 days, will extend the life of the plant. When it’s in bloom? Don’t fertilize. Hugs!

DEAR HELOISE: We just had a power outage that lasted overnight. I noticed my LED solar walkway lights in my front yard. They are bright. I put these lights in containers and left them around the house. This worked beautifull­y, and they are safer than candles and oil lamps.

— Kathy W., California

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