Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- BOBBY WOLFF If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

I do not think that I am ever overconfid­ent. I am merely wholly confident, and I maintain that there is all the difference in the world there. — Edgar Rice Burroughs

One of my readers, Jacques Guertin, sent me this deal, which I pass on to you with a couple of edits.

Let’s consider the defense against three hearts, after South has shown hearts and a minor and your partner has led the club 10.Your queen forces the ace, and declarer plays the ace and a second trump.You cash the club king, giving partner a club ruff.You take your two diamonds for one down … and then you wake up!

Your partner has competed to the three-level based on very little. He surely has a six-card diamond suit. Even if South hadn’t shown his clubs, the odds would have favored your partner having a singleton club 10 rather than a doubleton.

Since West cannot have much in terms of high cards, he’d need some distributi­on to justify competing to three diamonds.

The singleton club would be the most likely explanatio­n.

So the key to the defense is not to waste a club honor at trick one. Play low and let South win the jack, then take the second heart and put the club king through declarer, ensuring two clubs tricks and a ruff plus one trick in each red suit, for down one.

This defense, of not collapsing your honors and your partner’s into a single trick, is one that you need to have in your repertoire. It often applies when your partner leads a queen or jack, which might be either a singleton or doubleton. Your defensive strategy may vary depending on whether you have side entries or need to take the ruff to set your opponents’ contract.

ANSWER: I prefer to play two no-trump as invitation­al, not forcing, here, but you can make an argument that you should bid two no-trump with this hand either way! More to the point, what other call can you make that shows this hand? A two-club call does not really describe it at all.

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