Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

It’s just so wonderful


Now, with this wonderful, really big, nice, amazing tax cut, the Repubs are telling us that we can now file our taxes on a postcard and we are all going to get better jobs and we are going to be wealthier. Now get out of the way and watch our economy grow and it will grow so much we don’t have to worry about the $1.5 trillion of debt it creates. And don’t worry that more than 75 percent of the cut reportedly goes to the wealthy and corporatio­ns. After all, it will trickle down to you, won’t it?

What they didn’t explain is if tax cuts that explode the debts are so wonderful (Repubs blamed Obama for exploding the debt for eight years but now it’s OK), then why didn’t the Reagan tax cuts solve all our economic challenges or why didn’t the Bush tax cuts solve them?

Well, because they don’t, but they do reduce the amount of money available for wasteful things (as per the Repubs) such as Medicare, Social Security, FEMA, Medicaid, and so forth.

It seems the Repubs are so bankrupt in governing philosophy that they have resorted to passing any legislatio­n at all that would show they were in charge and might be able to do something despite having a Republican president, a majority in Congress, and a majority of the statehouse­s.

I have run the numbers, and the calculatio­ns should, with the new tax rates, give me a $6 per week tax cut. This presents a problem because I can’t decide what to do with this windfall—should I pay off my house, take that European vacation, or should I use it to pay for the wonderful, great, affordable health insurance Mr. Trump promised?

In my 50 years-plus of observing politics in our country, I have never seen such a ridiculous conning of the American people.



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