Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Battles in Kashmir leave 9 people dead


SRINAGAR, India — Four Pakistani soldiers were killed Monday after Indian and Pakistani soldiers traded gunfire in the divided Himalayan region of Kashmir, leading both of the nuclear rivals to blame the other for initiating the latest cease-fire violation.

Separately, at least five suspected militants were killed in a gunbattle with Indian troops Monday after they crossed into the Indian-controlled part of Kashmir from the Pakistani side of the territory, officials said.

Pakistan’s military said in a statement that the Pakistani soldiers were “doing maintenanc­e” on communicat­ion lines in the border village of Kotli when they came under fire Monday. It said the troops were on the Pakistani side of the boundary.

It said Pakistani troops returned fire, reportedly killing three Indian soldiers.

An Indian military official, however, blamed Pakistani soldiers for attacking Indian positions and claimed their counter-offensive killed seven Pakistani soldiers. The officer, speaking on condition of anonymity in keeping with military rules, said Indian soldiers did not suffer any casualties.

Also on Monday, fighting broke out between the Indian troops and militants when soldiers intercepte­d heavily armed insurgents along the highly militarize­d border that divides Kashmir between India and Pakistan, said Col. Rajesh Kalia, an Indian army spokesman.

Army officials said militants lobbed grenades and sprayed gunfire from automatic rifles in the fighting.

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