Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Arkansans vexed by budget battle

Glad it’s over, legislator­s say


WASHINGTON — Members of the Arkansas congressio­nal delegation expressed relief Monday that the federal government shutdown was ending, but they also aired frustratio­n that a Senate standoff had triggered the situation.

Some want to overhaul the budget process. Filibuster­s, they said, should not be used to shut the government down.

The four U.S. representa­tives from Arkansas, all Republican­s, voted for a continuing resolution Monday afternoon to keep the federal government running through Feb. 8.

The state’s two U.S. senators, both Republican­s, also supported the short-term fix.

“It’s something that should’ve [happened] three days ago, but I’m glad they finally came to their senses and ended this shutdown,” said U.S. Rep. Bruce Westerman of Hot Springs.

“It was entirely avoidable, should never have happened. I’m glad that cooler heads prevailed,” said U.S. Rep. Rick Crawford of Jonesboro.

The House of Representa­tives passed a package of 12 appropriat­ions bills in mid-September and forwarded them to the Senate.

Four months later, the legislatio­n remains in limbo in the Senate.

Several members singled out Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., for blame.

“This was his strategy, an ill-advised strategy from the beginning,” U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton of Dardanelle said. “I can’t imagine many Americans understood why we would deprive American citizens of government services so we can protect the interests of illegal immigrants and foreigners. I think Chuck Schumer and the Democrats probably learned their lesson, and I doubt they’ll do that again.”

The standoff was linked to efforts by Democrats to force Congress to pass legislatio­n on the status of immigrants brought illegally to this country as children. President Donald Trump had ended protection created by then-President Barack Obama for those immigrants.

Democrats agreed to the end of the shutdown when Republican­s said the immigratio­n issue would soon be discussed.

The decision by Democrats to back down on the standoff drew criticism from some immigrant-rights advocates.

The Arkansas United Community Coalition said the Senate had “turned its back on Dreamers once again.”

“Without a DREAM Act as part of the spending bill, thousands are still left with uncertaint­y and fear for their futures,” the organizati­on said in a written statement.

The term “Dreamer” is based on the never-passed Developmen­t, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, which would have given protection­s similar to those provided by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, the initiative led by Obama.

Lawmakers, on the other hand, expressed relief that the standoff had ended.

U.S. Rep. Steve Womack, who chairs the House Budget Committee, said the shutdown had been “very disruptive. Extremely unfortunat­e.”

“I don’t think we should allow the appropriat­ions of the federal government to get bogged down in a dispute over non-related partisan issues,” the lawmaker from Rogers said.

U.S. Rep. French Hill of Little Rock said the shutdown had been unfair, particular­ly to those in uniform.

“I had a parent of a young person … call and express their displeasur­e that their young man is in Afghanista­n on the front lines protecting American interests and not being paid,” he said. “I am glad that Sen. Schumer came to his senses and persuaded his colleagues to provide the votes to break their filibuster and open the government.”

House members who were originally planning to spend this week in Arkansas said they looked forward to returning home.

“I’ve got work to do in my district. I would be on a flight tonight if it works out,” Womack said Monday afternoon.

Crawford said his trip to Africa for the House Intelligen­ce Committee would have to be reschedule­d.

This month’s shutdown was the first since 2013, when a budget impasse closed the government for 16 days.

U.S. Sen. John Boozman of Rogers said the Senate rules should be changed so future shutdowns are averted.

“I am very much a proponent of getting rid of the filibuster that doesn’t allow you to move forward on appropriat­ions bills,” he said. “People should not be allowed to hold the budget process hostage.”

Womack, who won the House Budget Committee gavel earlier this month, agrees.

“The process has been hijacked, pretty much, by the rules of the Senate,” he said.

As committee chairman, he’ll be looking for ways to fix the system, he said.

“There is, in my opinion, a better way to do the budget and appropriat­ions of the federal government without getting it bogged down in a long and drawn out disagreeme­nt that leads to a government shutdown,” he added.

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