Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

A rare defeat for NRA


It is now beyond doubt: The fearless student survivors of the Parkland, Florida, mass shooting are changing the debate about gun control. Proof lies in the Florida legislatur­e’s vote for new firearms regulation­s and other gun-violence prevention measures.

The students didn’t get everything they wanted in Tallahasse­e, and clearly more changes are needed. But their victory over the National Rifle Associatio­n in a state that has long done the gun-rights group’s bidding was nothing short of stunning. Hopefully it will embolden efforts in other states—not to mention in Congress—for stricter gun-control laws that will help protect public safety.

Less than a month after the Feb. 14 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that gave rise to the powerful student movement, Florida lawmakers Wednesday approved the first gun-control measures to pass in the state in more than 20 years.

Florida lawmakers for decades, as detailed in a recent New Yorker profile of the state’s NRA lobbyist, have been under the unhealthy sway of the gun lobby.

Some of the most extreme gun-rights laws in the country, including the first “stand your ground” law and a measure (later ruled unconstitu­tional) that barred doctors from asking their patients about gun ownership, were rubber-stamped by the legislatur­e, while any bill that appeared to hinder gun owners never came up for a vote. So, as John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety, observed, breaking the NRA’s strangleho­ld while the whole nation was watching is “a big deal.”

Given Florida’s sorry history and Republican control of the legislatur­e, it is not surprising—albeit still disappoint­ing—that lawmakers were unwilling to meet some of the bolder demands of the Parkland students, including a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. That the bill contains a controvers­ial provision long desired by the NRA that would allow school personnel to be armed under a voluntary program shows there are still battles to be waged. Good, then, that the students have also become involved in voter-registrati­on drives and are focused on the need to elect lawmakers, state and national, who are willing to represent the public interest and not that of the NRA.

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