Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Petty, jealous people


Back when my kids were younger, I took a second job to help pay the bills. I sought and received permission from my primary employer and made sure that my second job did not conflict with the hours or duties of my main job. I thought my actions were noble and unselfish … but apparently the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette would disagree. Christina Munoz-Madsen was blasted in your newspaper for doing the exact same thing.

I guess had someone complained anonymousl­y 15 years ago about my second job I might have been the subject of a newspaper article too. And I might have been forced to quit my second job … as a newspaper carrier for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. It seems your reporter allowed herself to be used by petty, jealous, nameless people, and your editors deemed her efforts worthy of the front page of the Arkansas section. About all I can do to express my displeasur­e is write this letter and cancel my subscripti­on. JASON PEDERSON

Little Rock and senators do not listen to “we the people” and perhaps “we the people” do not let them know our objections. Good arguments deserve to be heard and very much considered. This article was Q&A, not debate. I would like to see debates restored to our process of election, not individual stump speeches or audience entertainm­ent.

These days, with technology and military might, our good people in Congress need to know a lot more than just about their own districts or states. They need to know about the world and the influences and tactics, other than just war, which could change the U.S. permanentl­y from within. We do have our adversarie­s. Rome was a startling example of being defeated very gradually and mostly by itself. Money and power are not the absolutes. JUDITH BAUM North Little Rock

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