Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Spa City market to verify produce is local


HOT SPRINGS — The new president of the Hot Springs Farmers & Artisans Market said its board of directors is working to ensure that produce sold at the market is locally sourced.

Chris Wilson told the Hot Springs Board of Directors last week that holding vendors to a higher standard will help assuage doubts some have expressed about fruits and vegetables sold at the market.

“We’ve had a few things brought up about some of our produce maybe not being homegrown,” said Wilson, whom the farmers market board elected in November. “We’ve actually combated that this year with a mandatory farm visit for every farmer this year. So we’ll have a chance to look at every single farmer who’s a current farmer, but also anybody who’s a new farmer.”

Wilson said board members with expertise in crop production will be part of the team conducting the visits.

The board hopes to attract more vendors this year. Wilson said 48 farmers are signed up, along with 17 value-added vendors selling food products and 29 artist vendors selling handmade items.

“Where our money comes from is from our vendors,” he said. “One of our goals is to get more vendors there on a regular basis. The farmers market is a good gathering place, a peaceful fellowship place not just for the vendors but also for the community. As a board, our goal is to give our vendors and our customers the best experience we can.”

Wilson attributed last year’s operating deficit to unfavorabl­e weather for crop production. The profit-and-loss statement he shared with the city board showed $14,059 of the market’s $14,928 in revenue last year came from vendor rentals. Expenses exceeded revenue by $855, but the market has more than $7,000 in reserves.

“It’s a disappoint­ment, I have to tell you, that we had negative $800 last year,” Wilson said. “We had less farmers set up during summertime due to weather. There’s a lot of weather that slowed their crops. We didn’t see as many farmers in July and August as we have in recent years.”

“The farmers market is a good gathering place, a peaceful fellowship place not just for the vendors but also for the community.” Chris Wilson

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