Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- BILLY GRAHAM billygraha­

Christian evangelist the Rev. Billy Graham died Feb. 21. He wrote several weeks worth of columns before his death.The Arkansas DemocratGa­zette will continue to run his words in this space through his final column, which will run March 20.

DEAR REV. GRAHAM: Can God change someone who doesn’t want to be changed? My brother doesn’t want anything to do with God, and he lets it be known at every opportunit­y. I’ve about given up praying for him, to be honest.

— C.C. DEAR C.C.: Yes, God can change anyone — even someone who doesn’t want anything to do with Him, or who hates Him, or doesn’t even believe in Him. Jesus’ words are true: “What is impossible with man is possible with God” (Luke 18:27).

I can’t help but think of the Apostle Paul, who as a young man was convinced that Jesus Christ was an imposter and a liar, and that His followers were deceived — or even dangerous. As a result, he received permission to seek out those who believed in Christ and imprison them, or even have them put to death. But then he met Christ — and his life was completely changed. Later he wrote, “But by the grace of God I am what I am” (1 Corinthian­s 15:10).

Don’t give up praying for your brother. Only God can convict him of his sin, and only God can change his heart. Over the years, I’ve received countless letters from people who prayed for a spouse or other person for many years, and eventually saw them come to Christ. We also know that God may be working silently in someone’s heart and mind — and only later will we see the results. No, I can’t guarantee your brother will ever face his need of God and put his faith and trust in Christ. But don’t give up praying!

In addition, ask God to help you be a witness of Christ’s love by the way you live. The old saying is still true: What we are often speaks louder than our words.

Write to Billy Graham in care of Billy Graham Evangenlis­tic Associatio­n, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, N.C., 28201 or visit the website at

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