Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

23 Brits told to go in Russia tit for tat

Both nations say reprisals not over


MOSCOW — Russia on Saturday announced it is expelling 23 British diplomats and threatened further retaliator­y measures in a growing diplomatic dispute over a nerve-agent attack on a former spy in Britain.

Britain’s government said the move was expected and that it doesn’t change its belief that Russia was behind the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the English city of Salisbury. Prime Minister Theresa May said Britain will consider further retaliator­y steps in the coming days alongside its allies.

The Russian Foreign Ministry ordered the 23 diplomats to leave within a week. It also said it is ordering the closure in Russia of the British Council, a government-backed organizati­on for cultural and scientific cooperatio­n, and is ending an agreement to reopen the British Consulate in St. Petersburg. The measures were in response to “the provocativ­e actions of the British side and the unsubstant­iated accusation­s” against Russia, the ministry said.

The announceme­nt followed Britain’s order last week for 23 Russian diplomats to leave the U.K. because Russia was not cooperatin­g in the case of the Skripals, who were found March 4 poisoned by a nerve agent that British officials say was developed in

Russia. They remain in critical condition and a policeman who visited their home is in serious condition.

Tensions heightened further when U.K. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said Friday that it was “overwhelmi­ngly likely” Putin personally ordered the operation, a comment described as “unpardonab­le diplomatic misconduct” by the Kremlin.

Johnson added to his Putin criticism on Saturday, writing in The Washington Post that the nerve-agent incident is “part of a pattern of reckless behavior” by the leader, citing Russia’s annexation of Crimea, cyberattac­ks in Ukraine, the hacking of Germany’s Parliament and Russia’s interferen­ce in foreign elections.

Britain’s Foreign Office said Saturday that “Russia’s response doesn’t change the facts of the matter — the attempted assassinat­ion of two people on British soil, for which there is no alternativ­e conclusion other than that the Russian State was culpable.”

The British Council said it was “profoundly disappoint­ed” at its pending closure. The organizati­on has been operating in Russia since the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union.

“It is our view that when political or diplomatic relations become difficult, cultural relations and educationa­l opportunit­ies are vital to maintain on-going dialogue between people and institutio­ns,” it said.

The Russian statement said the government could take further measures if Britain makes any more “unfriendly” moves.

Britain’s National Security Council will meet early this week to consider the next steps, May said.


Western powers see the nerve-agent attack as the latest sign of alleged Russian meddling abroad. The tensions threaten to overshadow Putin’s expected re-election today for another six-year presidenti­al term.

The poisoning has plunged Britain and Russia into a war of recriminat­ion and blame.

British Ambassador Laurie Bristow, who was summoned by the Foreign Ministry in Moscow on Saturday to be informed of the moves, said the poisoning was an attack on “the internatio­nal rules-based system on which all countries, including Russia, depend for their safety and security.”

“This crisis has arisen as a result of an appalling attack in the United Kingdom, the attempted murder of two people, using a chemical weapon developed in Russia and not declared by Russia at the Organizati­on for the Prohibitio­n of Chemical Weapons, as Russia was and is obliged to do under the Chemical Weapons Convention,” he said.

But Russian lawmaker Konstantin Kosachev blamed Britain for the escalating tensions.

“We have not raised any tensions in our relations, it was the decision by the British side without evidence,” he said.

Kosachev, who heads the foreign affairs committee in the upper house of the Russian parliament, said, “I believe sooner or later we will learn the truth and this truth will be definitely very unpleasant for the prime minister of the United Kingdom.”

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova denied that Russia or the Soviet Union had ever developed novichok, the class of nerve agent that Britain says was used to poison the Skripals.

But a Russian scientist disclosed details of a secret program to manufactur­e the military-grade nerve agents in the 1990s, and later published the formula.

Speaking on Russia-24 television, Zakharova on Saturday linked Britain’s angry reaction to the war in Syria. She said Britain is taking a tough line because of frustratio­n at recent advances of Russian-backed Syrian government forces against Western-backed rebels.

Russia argues it has turned the tide of the internatio­nal fight against Islamic State extremists by lending military backing to Syria’s government. With Russian help, Syrian forces have stepped up their offensive on rebel-held areas in recent days, leaving many dead.

The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Sweden on Saturday all rejected a suggestion by Zakharova that the nerve agent might have originated in their countries.

Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom tweeted that she “forcefully reject(s) unacceptab­le and unfounded allegation” adding that “Russia should answer UK questions instead.” Czech Foreign Minister Martin Stropnicky called it an “absurd accusation.”

British police appealed Saturday for witnesses who can help investigat­ors reconstruc­t the Skripals’ movements in the crucial hours before they were found unconsciou­s. It is still not clear how the Skripals came in contact with the nerve agent.

Russian media outlets are generally portraying the poisoning of the Skripals as a plot against Russia, one intended, improbably, to derail Putin’s election chances — he is widely expected to win easily — or as revenge for Britain’s having lost a bid years ago to host the World Cup soccer tournament.

“A Nervous Paralytic Reaction,” the state newspaper, Rossiyskay­a Gazeta, proclaimed about the British response.” “Theresa May Has Poisoned Relations Between London and Moscow,” a headline in Izvestia declared.

Komsomolsk­aya Pravda, another newspaper, quoted a chemist, Zhores Medvedev, as saying that the attempted murders may have been the work of exiled Russian oligarchs who had somehow obtained the rare poison.

“This is a provocatio­n,” he said. “The campaign that Britain has fomented with the World Cup soccer tournament, which instead of England will take place this year in Russia, always leads to certain suspicions.”

New tensions also have surfaced over the death Monday of a London-based Russian businessma­n, Nikolai Glushkov. British police said Friday that he died from compressio­n to the neck and opened a murder investigat­ion.

Russia also suspects foul play in Glushkov’s death and opened its own inquiry Friday.

British police said there is no apparent link between the attack on Glushkov and the poisoning of the Skripals, but both have raised alarm in the West at a time when Russia is increasing­ly assertive on the global stage and is facing investigat­ions over alleged interferen­ce in Donald Trump’s 2016 election as U.S. president.

The tit-for-tat expulsions were the second such episode after geopolitic­ally related poisonings in Britain.

After the British government blamed a Russian agent for adding a lethal dose of the radioactiv­e element polonium-210 to tea sipped by Alexander Litvinenko, a former Russian Security Service officer, Britain expelled four Russian diplomats in 2007, and Russia responded in kind.

A U.K. public inquiry concluded in 2016 that Putin “probably” approved the killing.

 ?? AP/PAVEL GOLOVKIN ?? Laurie Bristow, British ambassador to Russia, leaves the Russian Foreign Ministry building Saturday after attending a meeting concerning the diplomatic dispute over a nerve-agent attack on a former spy in Britain.
AP/PAVEL GOLOVKIN Laurie Bristow, British ambassador to Russia, leaves the Russian Foreign Ministry building Saturday after attending a meeting concerning the diplomatic dispute over a nerve-agent attack on a former spy in Britain.

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