Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Putin wants ‘decisive’ win today

Voter incentives include free cancer checks, concert tickets


MOSCOW — Russian voters are expected to hand Vladimir Putin an easy victory in today’s presidenti­al election as they face unusually intense pressure to vote.

Polls opened at 8 a.m. today in Russia’s Far East regions of Chukotka and Kamchatka.

Candidates were barred from campaignin­g Saturday, but the message to voters was clear from billboards celebratin­g Russian greatness — a big theme of Putin’s leadership — and Kremlin-friendly media coverage.

Putin urged Russians on Friday to “use their right to choose the future for the great Russia that we all love.” He warned that failure to cast a ballot would mean that “this decisive choice will be made without your opinion taken into account.”

While Putin has seven challenger­s on the ballot, none is a real threat. The last time he faced voters in 2012, he faced a serious opposition movement, but since then he has boosted his popularity thanks to Russian actions in Ukraine and Syria.

More than 1,500 internatio­nal observers are joining thousands of Russian observers to watch the vote. The government wants to ensure elections are clean after ballot stuffing and fraud marred the previous presidenti­al election.

This time, the outcome is so certain that authoritie­s are investing in get-out-the-vote efforts to ensure a decent turnout across the world’s biggest country. A strong showing would further embolden Putin domestical­ly and internatio­nally.

A Russian election monitoring group said Saturday that it registered an “alarming” rise in recent days in complaints that employers are forcing or pressuring workers to vote.

Grigory Melkonyant­s, co-chairman of the independen­t Golos center, said Saturday that the group also record- ed smaller complaints, such as gimmicks like discounted potatoes for people who vote, or schools holding special performanc­es on election day to lure parents to an onsite voting station.

He said his own group has come under increasing pressure as the elections approach and warned that independen­t observers may be targeted by some kind of “attack” on voting day. He didn’t elaborate.

As U.S. authoritie­s investigat­e alleged Russian interferen­ce in President Donald Trump’s election, Moscow has warned of possible meddling in the Russian vote.

Turnout-boosting efforts have been the most visible feature of the campaign — and all come from taxpayers’ pockets. In Moscow alone, authoritie­s are spending $870,000 on balloons and festive decoration­s at polling stations.

In Moscow, first-time voters will be given free tickets for pop concerts featuring some of Russia’s most popular artists who have campaigned for Putin. For older voters, Moscow health authoritie­s will be offering free cancer screenings at selected polling stations.

In the southern city of Tambov, the state-sponsored Youth Parliament has called an Instagram competitio­n. Voters who take selfies at polling stations and post them under the designated hashtag will be able to enter a raffle for high-end electronic­s including an iPhoneX.

Election observers and local media report threats and coercion of voters to re-register at their places of work and report later that they have voted.

Yevgeny Roizman, mayor of Russia’s fourth-largest city Yekaterinb­urg and a rare government critic, said in a recent video blog that local officials and state employees have all received orders “from higher up” to make sure the turnout is more than 60 percent.

“They are using everything: schools, kindergart­ens, hospitals — the battle for the turnout is unpreceden­ted,” Roizman said.

Ella Pamfilova, chairman of the Central Election Commission who was appointed to clean up the electoral system, vowed to respond to complaints about coercion to vote.

“Leave people alone,” Pamfilova said at a recent session of the commission. “No manager has the right to tell them where to vote.”

Putin has traveled across Russia, pledging to raise wages, pour more funds into crumbling health care and education, and modernize dilapidate­d infrastruc­ture.

The presidenti­al vote is set on the anniversar­y of Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.

Among Putin’s challenger­s is Ksenia Sobchak, a 36-yearold TV host who has campaigned on a liberal platform and criticized Putin’s policies. Some see Sobchak, the daughter of Putin’s one-time patron, as a Kremlin project intended to add a democratic veneer to the vote and help split the ranks of Kremlin critics.

Putin’s main foe, opposition leader Alexei Navalny, was barred from the race because of a criminal conviction widely seen as politicall­y motivated. Navalny has called for boycotting the vote.

Voting starts in the Russian far east near Alaska and wraps up in the Baltic enclave of Kaliningra­d.

 ?? AP/ALEXANDER PETPOV ?? Russians at a polling station in the town of Yelizovo cast their ballots today in the country’s presidenti­al election.
AP/ALEXANDER PETPOV Russians at a polling station in the town of Yelizovo cast their ballots today in the country’s presidenti­al election.

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