Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Marching for Sandy Hook


Five years ago, we kissed our youngest children goodbye as they climbed into the bus to go to school. Less than two hours later, they were gone forever, murdered in their firstgrade classrooms at Sandy Hook Elementary.

We promised we would make a difference in their names. We promised we would stop this from happening again.

Our children live on in our work through Sandy Hook Promise, the group we launched to advocate for common-sense legislatio­n to keep schools safe and provide free programs such as Start With Hello to schools nationwide so they could learn the signs of at-risk behavior and intervene before violence occurs.

Sweet little Daniel, who exemplifie­d kindness and compassion, is part of every student who learns to Start With Hello and include others. Beautiful butterfly Dylan reminds us that through small changes, we can make a big impact, like the flapping of a butterfly’s wings that creates a storm on the other side of the world. Every time we’re in a school, especially in front of sixth-graders, we look at the eyes watching us and think of the two boys who should also be in sixth grade now, but are instead forever first-graders. It breaks our hearts, but strengthen­s our resolve.

We’ve made a lot of progress in Daniel’s and Dylan’s names. Our Know the Signs programs are in more than 7,000 schools and have already stopped multiple school shooting and suicide threats.

It’s not enough. Gun violence is still our nation’s waking nightmare, taking more lives each year.

Last month’s school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., brought us to our knees, tearing our hearts open yet again. We started to hear the same conversati­on that we always hear—thoughts and prayers, it’s not time to talk about gun legislatio­n, nothing is going to change.

But this time, something is different. The students at Parkland decided they would lead the fight. Their energy, their intelligen­ce, their clarion call to adults to save their lives has breathed new life into the movement and created a massive new base of youth who want—and demand—a better future.

What parent can listen to their child begging for their help and not act?

Adults have been working on gun violence prevention for three decades, with minimal results. Almost every attempt disintegra­tes into an intense and divisive debate that leaves many entrenched in extreme viewpoints while alienating the vast majority in the middle, who just tune the whole thing out because they believe nothing will change.

We will never stop working to deliver on our promises to Daniel and Dylan. But it’s time for us—for all adults—to step aside and let the students lead. These brave Parkland students can stand on our shoulders. We will stand with them to help them raise their voices even louder and empower other students to join them to create the future they want to live in. Even after the tragedy in Parkland, we have seen still more school shootings. Just Tuesday, a student opened fire at a school in St. Mary’s County, Md., injuring two others.

That’s why we will be in Washington on Saturday for March for Our Lives. Joined by Daniel’s older siblings and Dylan’s big brother, we’ll march for Parkland. We’ll march for Sandy Hook. We’ll march for the approximat­ely 7,000 kids who have been killed by firearms since Sandy Hook. And we’ll march for our surviving children, for their future. A future safe from gun violence.

If Daniel and Dylan had lived, they would be marching as sixth-graders with the Parkland students. Though they are gone, their spirits live on and we know they will be marching at our sides.

Mark Barden and Nicole Hockley are managing directors of Sandy Hook Promise.

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