Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

His train of thought


Reading Mike Masterson’s “Random thoughts” this Easter Sunday was truly a pleasure as he pondered on his thoughts about over-length shoelaces, shopping at Wally World, and watching popular ’60s Saturday morning TV kid shows. Hey, Mike’s really riffing today! Then he started into a dis against Facebook which I generally agreed with. I personally don’t Face, Twitter, or own a smartphone. Just me and my Jitterbug and laptop.

But after commenting on the “barrage of negativity coming out of TV and radio” and then effectivel­y giving his blessing to the most recent student protesters marching against school shootings, Mike veers off onto the most improbable—should I say mind-bogglingly skewed—tangent by implying that these kids are a front pushed by their parents (and why not … duh?) or … brace yourself … “leftist Hollywood.” And watch out for those “community organizers.” (Got to protect our women!)

Mike then goes on to ask if there are any adults in the room advising these obviously ignorant students about the “difference between reality and today’s heavily subsidized spin that uses anyone … to openly promote specific political agendas.” And then to be so naïve as to promote the NRA by stating its pre-’70s main curriculum of gun training and safety.

Now I’m sure about mind-bogglingly skewed. To wit: Cater-corner to Mike’s upper-left column is a short letter, “We are all just human,” by a student, Alex Crawford of Little Rock. It is the definitive answer, Mike, to your cynical side and your reality.

No more words, “our thoughts and prayers,” as our kids are slaughtere­d in classrooms. PHILLIP CORRELL Little Rock

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