Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Budget cuts on way to Congress

$15B proposal expected to have minimal effect on deficit

- ANDREW TAYLOR Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Catherine Lucey of The Associated Press.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s administra­tion is unveiling a multibilli­on-dollar roster of proposed spending cuts but is leaving this year’s $1.3 trillion catchall spending bill alone.

The White House said it is sending the so-called rescission­s package to lawmakers today. Two administra­tion officials, who required anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly on the matter, said the package proposes killing $15 billion in unused funds. One official said about $7 billion would come from the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provides health care to children from low-income families, though the cuts aren’t likely to have a practical impact.

Pressure from party conservati­ves to increase cuts from a tentative $11 billion proposal contribute­d to a delay from Monday’s original release date.

The administra­tion is trying to use its authority to prod Congress to “rescind” spending approved years ago, but even if the package is approved it would have only a tiny impact on the government’s budget deficit, which is on track to total more than $800 billion this year. Some of the cuts wouldn’t affect the deficit at all since budget scorekeepe­rs don’t think the rescinded money would have been spent anyway.

Still, the White House and tea party lawmakers upset by the budget-busting “omnibus” bill have rallied around the plan, aiming to show that Republican­s are taking on out-of-control spending.

It’s also a priority for House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., who’s taking the lead on Capitol Hill and likens it to “giving the bloated federal budget a much-needed spring cleaning.” But while the package may pass in the House it faces a more difficult path — and potential procedural roadblocks — in the Senate.

McCarthy wants to succeed soon-to-retire House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and some of his allies view the project as a way to improve his standing with fractious GOP conservati­ves who blocked his path to the speakershi­p in 2015.

The proposal has already had a tortured path even before its unveiling. More pragmatic Republican­s, including the senior ranks of the powerful House and Senate Appropriat­ions committees, rebelled against the measure. They argued that it would be breaking a bipartisan budget pact just weeks after it was negotiated. In response, White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney cleansed the measure of cuts to the omnibus measure.

Last month, Mulvaney told lawmakers the plan could have totaled $25 billion or so.

Now he says he’s planning to submit several different packages of spending cuts — and it’s likely they’ll get more conservati­ve with each new proposal.

Either way, the idea faces a challengin­g path in Congress — particular­ly the Senate, where a 51-49 GOP majority leaves little room for error even though budget rules permit rescission­s measures to advance free of the threat of Democratic filibuster­s.

But the cuts to the popular children’s health insurance program probably could still be filibuster­ed because they are so-called mandatory programs rather than annual appropriat­ions.

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