Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR READERS: Let’s take a look at the magic of compound interest.

When interest is compounded, it’s added to the principal — the amount of money you’re investing.

Suppose you have $5,000 to invest each year for 25 years. That’s $125,000. You can stow it under your mattress and earn no compound interest, or you can invest in an individual retirement account (IRA). In 25 years, because the interest is reinvested, or compounded, you could have almost $300,000 (depending on the interest rate)! Investing, however, does come with risk — you also could lose money. It’s a good idea to talk to a financial adviser. Check with your friends and family for a recommenda­tion.

DEAR HELOISE: Sometimes calling a company can be annoying. It takes forever to work my way through an automated system on the keypad to get to the department I need!

I’ve discovered a trick that works almost every time. I enter “000” at the beginning of the call. This will usually route my call to an operator.

— Rita W., Texas

DEAR HELOISE: I’m getting too many emails! Every company I do business with emails me promotions, advertisin­g, etc. How can I limit the number of emails I receive from these companies?

— Edna S., Indiana DEAR READER: Edna, when you open an unwanted email, scroll to the bottom of it and look for the word “Unsubscrib­e.”

The site may ask you to enter your email address again to verify; they may give you options as to what kind of emails you do want to receive; or they may ask you to take a brief survey.

But they will let you unsubscrib­e completely, if that’s what you wish.

DEAR HELOISE: I always order my drugstore cosmetics on the website. I like this better because in the store a lot of times, the products have been opened and “tested.”

When coming from the website, the products still have their seal on them. I can have the items shipped to my store; the shipping is free, regardless of how much money I spend, and they email me when my order is in. Be aware, everybody — each store has its own policies.

— Jennifer T., via email Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

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