Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Governor vetoes Oklahoma gun bill


OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin vetoed a bill late Friday that would have authorized adults to carry firearms without a permit or training, dealing a rare defeat to the National Rifle Associatio­n in a conservati­ve state.

The veto comes after opposition from the business community and law enforcemen­t authoritie­s, including top officials with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigat­ion who have said it could erode public safety.

The NRA had supported the bill’s passage and had urged Fallin, a Republican, to sign it.

In a statement announcing her veto, Fallin stressed her support for the Second Amendment.

“I believe the firearms laws we currently have in place are effective, appropriat­e and minimal,” she said. But she added that the bill would have eliminated the requiremen­t for a training course and reduced the level of background checks to carry a gun.

Also Friday, Fallin signed a bill that provides legal protection­s to faith-based agencies that won’t place children in LGBT homes because of religious or moral conviction­s or policies. It was supported by the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and the state’s Catholic bishops, but gay-rights advocates say it will allow agencies to discrimina­te against same-sex couples, single people and non-Christians.

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