Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Short on the specifics


Trent Garner, my state senator, published a guest column in your paper under the heading “tort reform.” It references a Legislatur­e-sponsored amendment to the Arkansas Constituti­on known as Issue 1, which will be on the ballot in November. Senator Garner characteri­zed supporters of Issue 1 as hardworkin­g Arkansans, and opponents as ambulance-chasing lawyers. His piece was long on demonizing the opposition and short on explaining the specifics of Issue 1.

For instance, Garner failed to mention that Issue 1 limits recovery for non-economic damages (pain and suffering, mental anguish, mental and emotional distress over the loss of a loved one) to $500,000. This limitation applies in each and every conceivabl­e circumstan­ce. So, if a truck jumps a curb, striking and killing an 8-year-old girl on a bike, or a 78-yearold grandmothe­r dies of neglect in a nursing home, their families are not allowed to recover a dime more than $500,000. Now, who do you suppose benefits from this provision in Issue 1: hardworkin­g Arkansas families or the trucking and nursing home industries?

To make Issue 1 more palatable to his constituen­ts, Garner claims that Arkansans essentiall­y pay a “lawsuit tax” under our current system, which costs the average citizen $900 per year. Really? With roughly three million people living in Arkansas that works out to be about $2.7 billion a year. I would like to see the study Garner relied on to come up with that jaw-dropping figure. It sounds like bull hockey to me.

I hope that Arkansans will study the implicatio­ns of Issue 1, listen to the arguments for and against it, tune out those who would appeal to our emotions and baser instincts, and vote on Issue 1 based on its merits or lack thereof. In the “whatever-it’s-worth” department, I’ve been practicing law in Trent Garner’s Senate district for almost 50 years. I know the lawyers here pretty well, and I’ve never seen one chase an ambulance.



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