Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Parsing ‘pursuit of happiness’

- JOSEPH J. ELLIS Joseph J. Ellis is the author of Revolution­ary Summer and Founding Brothers.

The beauty of all self-evident truths is that, by definition, we do not need to explain why they are true. Our annual celebratio­ns of American independen­ce fit neatly into this mental zone of confident presumptio­ns. To the extent that we think about it at all, the Fourth of July is the time for summer vacation schedules to start, fireworks to appear at dusk, and patriotic rhetoric to evaporate amid the airbursts.

It therefore might seem almost rude to suggest that we spend a few minutes asking ourselves what we are celebratin­g. The succinct answer is that we are honoring the 242nd anniversar­y of America’s birth as the first nation-sized republic in the modern world.

The values on which our republic was founded were proclaimed in 36 words that, over the years, have achieved iconic status as the American Creed. Here they are:

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienabl­e Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Thomas Jefferson wrote these words sometime in mid-June 1776 in his Philadelph­ia apartment at Seventh and Market streets on a portable desk with a quill pen.

Historians have parsed their meaning in countless books over the ensuing two centuries: searching for their sources in the French Enlightenm­ent or Scottish Enlightenm­ent, questionin­g their utopian implicatio­ns; criticizin­g their inherently elusive claims to visionary values that float above the world like verbal clouds, noticing that the portable desk on which they were composed was built by a former slave and that the author of those words was a dedicated racist.

But in the end, all such critics have found themselves shouting into the wind. For Jefferson’s words have levitated out of the historical context in which they were written to become the expansive mandate for the liberal tradition in modern America.

When the feminist movement was born at Seneca Falls in 1848, the manifesto began with the claim that “all men and women are created equal.” When Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address in 1863, he cited Jefferson’s words “the propositio­n that all men are created equal” to make the Civil War a fight to end slavery. When Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I have a dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, he announced that he was collecting on a “promissory note” written by Jefferson.

In the mid-summer of 2018, during the increasing­ly divisive presidency of Donald Trump, do we still believe these words? Do we believe any truths are self-evident? Let me propose that we discuss those questions.

The conversati­on might begin with a more specific focus: What did that hallowed phrase “pursuit of happiness” mean to Jefferson, and what does it mean to us?

Jefferson borrowed the words from George Mason, who had used the phrase in the preface to his draft of the Virginia Constituti­on a few weeks earlier. In the original trinity proclaimed by John Locke in his Second Treatise on Government, “life, liberty, and property” were the enshrined rights. By replacing “property” with Mason’s “pursuit of happiness,” Jefferson was making an implicit anti-slavery statement, depriving slave-owners of the claim that owning slaves—property—was a natural right protected in the founding document.

The Civil War removed slavery from the national agenda, leaving “pursuit of happiness” to float free and become a vague version of the American promise that meant pretty much what anyone wished it to mean.

Do we believe that Jefferson’s felicitous phrase now, in 2018, has economic implicatio­ns? Does the self-evident right to pursue happiness entail the right to a living wage? Or affordable health care? Does the decline of the middle class mean that our collective happiness as a people is at risk? Do Jefferson’s magic words still possess the power to provoke some intellectu­al fireworks?

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