Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Political hypocrites


Since I first paid attention to politics in the 1960s, the Republican Party has hammered its opponents with claims of defending families and Christian faith. In the 1980s it recruited the American religious community to be a political force, again for family and faith.

I will no longer accept this lie from these people. When I see how they really treat their fellow humans, I can only see hypocrites. I don’t have space to list specific examples, but condemning people for their color, country of origin, religion, or tearing families apart for political gain is not Christian.

I have been blessed to know a handful of good Christian people in my life. They didn’t just talk faith, they lived it, and my 10 fingers would have counted all of them. I can’t claim to be a good Christian; I have too many faults and bad behaviors that I make little effort to improve. I think I am like many people in this, but I also think that many of us do strive to be better to our fellow people. If we can’t be good Christians, we can at least try to be good Christians. Because I disapprove of another person doesn’t mean God and Jesus disapprove.

I will not listen to these hypocrites anymore. Was it not Jesus who said “let he who is without sin cast the first stone”? If we are tempted to throw stones, maybe we should look into a looking glass. GORDON BELL Conway

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