Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Fair hearings, please


Aside from the prime-time hype and prolonged standing ovation, President Donald Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court was a sober and dignified occasion worthy of our nation’s highest court and highest office—no small feat in our current political climate.

Whether or not the 53-year-old Kavanaugh—a Yale Law School graduate, former clerk for retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy and federal judge who has written over 300 opinions during his 12 years on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals—is worthy of our nation’s highest court is now in the hands of the Senate.

Some of Trump’s political opponents have vowed to block a vote on the Kavanaugh nomination before the 2018 midterms, much as President Barack Obama’s 2016 nominee, Merrick Garland, was denied a Senate vote. As with the Garland nomination, we view any blockade as misguided and urge our elected officials to fulfill their constituti­onal “advice and consent” duties.

Moreover, we hope the Senate hearings on Kavanaugh, while vigorous and thorough, are absent the acrimony and personal attacks seen in previous nomination­s. The Senate owes the American people a probing but civil examinatio­n of the nominee.

As with all nomination hearings, we hope that decency and factual accuracy are the hallmarks of this debate. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has vowed to fight the Kavanaugh nomination “with everything I’ve got,” claiming that with Kavanaugh on the bench, Trump will be one step closer to fulfilling his campaign promises to “undo women’s reproducti­ve freedom” and “undo the ACA.”

Schumer’s statements notwithsta­nding, during previous confirmati­on hearings Kavanaugh has said he believes Roe vs. Wade is “binding precedent of the court” and would not move to undo the landmark abortion case.

Yet as with previous and current justices—including Reagan nominees Sandra Day O’Connor and Anthony Kennedy and George H.W. Bush nominee David Souter—it’s difficult to predict how individual jurists will rule once they assume the responsibi­lity of deliberati­ng on our nation’s highest court.

Certainly, the Senate must consider whether Kavanaugh or any nominee has a record that demonstrat­es the right temperamen­t and qualificat­ions for the job. And we believe it is just as important that any potential jurist faithfully applies the laws of this land using objective principles—free of undue influence from the politics or passions of the day. Nothing is more fundamenta­l to the survival of our democracy and this republic than the rule of law.

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