Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email HELOISE

DEAR READERS: Today’s Sound Off is from a reader who was annoyed by people in a movie theater:

“My wife and I recently went to a movie we had been eager to see. We don’t go to the movies very often, and we might never go again. People were so rude. The people behind us kept talking even after we politely asked them to stop. Another couple let their toddler run up and down the aisle, and the child had a tantrum because his parents wouldn’t take him home. People had cellphones go off and carried on conversati­ons in the theater. We got up in the middle of the movie, asked for the manager and requested a refund. He gave it to us and was very nice.

“People don’t go to a theater to hear you talk or to see your child have a meltdown, and please, folks, turn off your cellphones. It’s good manners.”

— Joseph K. in Milwaukee We’ve gotten so used to big-screen TVs in our homes that people forget it’s acceptable to talk, text and play with your children at home but not in a public theater.

DEAR HELOISE: In reference to the recent hint for rinsing dishes prior to loading the dishwasher, it is beneficial for two reasons. First, it prolongs the life of the dishwasher (it’s not meant to be a garbage disposal). Second, studies have shown that dishwasher­s (properly loaded) save more water than hand-washing dishes.

Living with our California drought problems, we are all very concerned about water conservati­on. I hand-wash pots and pans, but can load an entire week of dishes prior to running the dishwasher. My previous dishwasher lasted 30 years and was only replaced due to a kitchen remodel.

— Mindy T., California

DEAR HELOISE: My husband wants to buy an old Queen Anne Victorian home and fix it up. I want a new house. Please help us decide. — Sidney S., Topeka, Kan. DEAR READER: Old homes have charm and character, but they usually have old wiring, crumbling foundation­s, ancient plumbing and a long list of other repairs. Talk to a contractor who’s done a lot of remodeling in your area to see what it would cost to remodel an old home, after you’ve selected the house you are considerin­g buying. Then ask yourselves if you’re up for the strain of a project. It may take years to finish a home if you’re on a budget.

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