Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Social media scrutiny urged by U.K. panel

Protecting democracy is report’s aim


LONDON — A parliament­ary committee has recommende­d that the U.K. government increase oversight of social media like Facebook and election campaigns to protect democracy in the digital age.

The interim report by the House of Commons’ media committee to be released today said democracy is facing a crisis because the combinatio­n of data analysis and social media allows campaigns to target voters with messages of hate without their consent.

Tech giants like Facebook, which operate in a largely unregulate­d environmen­t, are complicit because they haven’t done enough to protect personal informatio­n and remove harmful content, the committee said.

“The light of transparen­cy must be allowed to shine on their operations and they must be made responsibl­e, and liable, for the way in which harmful and misleading content is shared on their sites,” committee Chairman Damian Collins said in a statement.

A copy of the study was leaked Friday by Dominic Cummings, the director of the official campaign group backing Britain’s departure from the European Union.

Social media companies are under scrutiny worldwide after allegation­s that political consultant Cambridge Analytica used data from tens of millions of Facebook accounts to profile voters and help U.S. President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign. The committee is also investigat­ing the effect of fake news distribute­d via social media sites.

Collins ripped Facebook for allowing Russian agencies to use its platform to spread disinforma­tion and influence elections.

“I believe what we have discovered so far is the tip of the iceberg,” he said, adding that more work needs to be done to expose how fake accounts target people during elections. “The ever-increasing sophistica­tion of these campaigns, which will soon be helped by developmen­ts in augmented reality technology, make this an urgent necessity.”

The committee recommende­d that the British government increase the power of the Informatio­n Commission­er’s Office to regulate social media sites, that it update electoral laws to reflect modern campaign techniques, and that it increase the transparen­cy of political advertisin­g on social media.

Prime Minister Theresa May has pledged to address the issue in a so-called White Paper to be released in the fall. She signaled her unease last year, accusing Russia of meddling in elections and planting fake news to sow discord in the West.

The committee began its work in January 2017, interviewi­ng 61 witnesses during 20 hearings that took on an investigat­ory tone not normally found in such forums in the House of Commons.

The report criticized Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg for failing to appear before the panel and said his stand-ins were “unwilling or unable to give full answers to the committee’s questions.”

One of the committee’s recommenda­tions is that the era of light-touch regulation for social media must come to an end.

Social media companies can no longer avoid oversight by describing themselves as platforms, because they use technology to filter and shape the informatio­n users see. Nor are they publishers, since that model traditiona­lly commission­s and pays for content.

“We recommend that a new category of tech company is formulated, which tightens tech companies’ liabilitie­s, and which is not necessaril­y either a ‘platform’ or a ‘publisher,’” the report said.

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