Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Trump drums up support for GOP, Ohio candidate


LEWIS CENTER, Ohio — Embracing his breakneck return to campaign politics, President Donald Trump on Saturday said Republican­s need to control Congress by casting the midterms as a referendum on himself.

In a raucous rally in a sweltering gymnasium north of Columbus, Trump campaigned for the GOP candidate up in a special election next week and defiantly questioned the idea that, historical­ly, the party that controls the White House suffers in the midterms, declaring “but I say why?”

“Why would there be a blue wave? I think it could be a red wave,” Trump said of his party’s prospects in November. “They want to take away what we’ve given. And we’re doing a lot of things people don’t even know about.”

Though boisterous and bellicose, Trump steered clear of the trouble he stirred up the night before when he blasted one of Ohio’s favorite sons, LeBron James.

In a late-night tweet Friday, Trump derided the intelligen­ce of one of the nation’s most prominent black men.

“Lebron James was just interviewe­d by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon,” Trump posted. “He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do.”

Trump then appeared to weigh in on the growing debate over who is the greatest NBA player of all time, James or Michael Jordan, by writing “I like Mike!”

Many former and current profession­al athletes, including Jordan, jumped to James’ defense.

“I support LeBron James. He’s doing an amazing job for his community,” Jordan said Saturday in a statement through his representa­tive via text.

Lemon responded to the president, invoking the administra­tion’s forced-family-separation­s policy and the first lady’s social media etiquette campaign.

“Who’s the real dummy? A man who puts kids in classrooms or one who puts kids in cages? #BeBest” Lemon tweeted.

The attack on James, who has been critical of Trump, came just as the NBA superstar opened up a school for underprivi­leged children. First lady Melania Trump, in a statement, distanced herself from the broadside and praised James’ efforts.

But while he didn’t mention James on Saturday evening, Trump did invoke similar rhetoric while criticizin­g one of his new favorite targets, Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters of California. He tore into Waters, who is also black, and derided her as “an extremely low IQ person.”

He blasted the media as “fake news” and said journalist­s “were terrible people.” He went on a screed against illeKim, gal immigratio­n and played up the threat of violent gangs like MS-13. And he basked in cheers as the crowd chanted the campaign staple rallying cry, “Build the wall, build the wall.”

And Trump touted his supporters as “forgotten no more,” saying that they, and he, were the nation’s true “elite.”

“The elite. They’re more elite than me? I am better everything than they have, including this,” Trump said, pointing at his own head. “And I became president, and they didn’t. Meaning you became president. And it’s driving them crazy.”

Trump boasted about how the GOP candidates he’s opposed, like Rep. Mark Sanford of South Carolina, have lost. With Sanford, he mocked the time Sanford vanished to hike “the Tallahasse­e Trail,” which was likely meant to be “the Appalachia­n Trail.”

He also gave an onstage hug to Rep. Jim Jordan, who is under siege after allegation­s that, as an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University, he knew of allegation­s of sexual abuse by a team doctor but did not report it. Jordan, who has denied the charge, has announced his plan to run for speaker of the House.

“Jim Jordan, how great is he?” Trump said. “What a great defender he’s been, what courage. He’s a brave, tough cookie.”

Trump gave a full-throated endorsemen­t to state Sen. Troy Balderson, who is facing Democrat Danny O’Connor, the Franklin County recorder, in Tuesday’s special election to fill a vacant U.S. House seat.

He touted Balderson’s record on crime and immigratio­n, and claimed that O’Connor, if he won, would be a “puppet” of Nancy Pelosi, who stands to reclaim the title of speaker of the House if Democrats seize control of the body this fall.

He again attacked the news media and blamed them for incorrectl­y reporting that he was backing Rep. Steve Stivers in the special election — even though Trump himself in recent days had inadverten­tly tweeted his support for Stivers, who is in a different race, before correcting himself.

He also defended his trade policies and, at one point, seemed to suggest that the markets would be up another 40 percent without his tariffs — but said the measures were needed or the nation would eventually have to “pay the piper.”

The Ohio rally was Trump’s third of the week, and he has pledged to accelerate his pace further as the midterms approach. He traveled to the Columbus area from his golf course in Bedminster, N.J., where he is in the early stages of an 11-day vacation.

He was joined by a familiar face on Air Force One: Hope Hicks, his longtime campaign staff member and White House communicat­ions director, who departed the administra­tion earlier this year.

 ?? The New York Times/AL DRAGO ?? President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally Saturday evening outside Columbus, Ohio, hours after criticizin­g LeBron James. Melania Trump’s spokesman said the first lady supported James and the “good things” he was doing.
The New York Times/AL DRAGO President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally Saturday evening outside Columbus, Ohio, hours after criticizin­g LeBron James. Melania Trump’s spokesman said the first lady supported James and the “good things” he was doing.
 ?? AP/PHIL LONG ?? LeBron James speaks Monday in Akron, Ohio, at the opening of his school for underprivi­leged children.
AP/PHIL LONG LeBron James speaks Monday in Akron, Ohio, at the opening of his school for underprivi­leged children.

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