Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

What not to say

Omitting these things can make resume more effective


Choosing what to include and exclude from your resume can be difficult, especially for applicants who do not have extensive work histories. Profession­als who have a significan­t amount of work experience likely have enough to fill up a resume, but younger profession­als with limited work histories often fret about how to fill up their resumes.

Any relevant profession­al experience, be it an internship or volunteer history, is safe to include on a resume. But applicants should keep the following items off their resumes as they hunt for their next job.


Photos should be kept off resumes because personal photos have nothing to do with a person’s qualificat­ions. Even job seekers who are applying for a position as a photograph­er shouldn’t put photos on their resumes. Such materials should be included in a portfolio — never on a resume.


It can be tempting for applicants who have limited work histories to list their hobbies and interests, but in many cases, such informatio­n is irrelevant and can even frustrate hiring managers who want to find relevant qualificat­ions on a resume as quickly as possible. If a resume is bogged down with informatio­n about an applicant’s hobbies and interests, a hiring manager is likely to grow impatient and move on to the next applicant. Unless a hobby is especially relevant to a position, it should not be included on a resume.


Prior experience that is irrelevant to the position you’re applying for should be kept off your resume. For example, a high school job as a grocery clerk likely has little relevance when applying for an entry-level finance position. It’s important to remember that when applying for entry-level positions, few entry-level candidates will have extensive employment histories, so don’t feel bad if your resume is less than meaty.


Some job postings will ask that you list salary requiremen­ts. This can be a delicate topic, as no one wants to exclude themselves by asking for too much money or appear desperate by asking for too little. A good approach when asked for salary requiremen­ts is simply to write, “Salary negotiable” somewhere on your resume. Never include salary requiremen­ts unless a job listing specifical­ly requests such informatio­n.


Personal informatio­n, including marital status, sexual orientatio­n, whether or not you have children and your religious beliefs should always be kept off a resume. Such informatio­n is irrelevant, and it’s illegal for companies to consider such informatio­n during the hiring process.


Many people have a playful email address that reflects a nickname that friends and family can identify with. Such addresses are fine when communicat­ing with family and friends, but use a more profession­al email address when applying for jobs. The address can include your name, such as, or simply your initials followed by the domain name of your email server. Fair or unfair, an unprofessi­onal email address on a resume may give prospectiv­e employers the impression that an applicant is immature.

 ??  ?? Writing a resume can be challengin­g, especially for job seekers who don’t have an extensive work history.
Writing a resume can be challengin­g, especially for job seekers who don’t have an extensive work history.

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