Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

‘At peace,’ pope accuser says

Love of church behind claim pontiffs hid abuses, he says.


VATICAN CITY — The author of the accusation that Pope Francis covered up sex abuse broke his silence Wednesday and insisted that he didn’t act out of revenge or anger but out of love for the Catholic Church.

In comments carried on the blog of Italian journalist Aldo Maria Valli, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano said he was “serene and at peace” after publishing his declaratio­n, albeit saddened by subsequent attempts to undermine his credibilit­y.

In accusation­s published Sunday, Vigano said Francis and before him Pope Benedict XVI knew of ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s sexual preying on seminarian­s. The claims have thrown Francis’ papacy into crisis. They have undermined the pontiff’s claim of having “zero tolerance” for sex abuse and have fueled an ideologica­l divide that has long split the church and intensifie­d under Francis.

Vigano, the retired Vatican ambassador to the U.S., said Francis should resign over his complicity in the McCarrick scandal, though Vigano’s denunciati­ons also implicate Benedict and a host of high-ranking U.S. and Vatican officials going back two decades.

Valli, a Vatican expert with state-run RAI television, has said Vigano twice arrived at his home to consult with him in the weeks leading up to publicatio­n of his accusation. Another conservati­ve Italian journalist, Marco Tosatti, helped Vigano edit the 11-page document and arranged for its publicatio­n in Italian, English and Spanish-language media.

In the Valli interview, Vigano revisited old Vatican controvers­ies that marked his career and explained that he decided to go public now because the denunciati­on he had made confidenti­ally to three cardinals in 2012 never was acted on.

It was a reference to the 2012 investigat­ion commission­ed by Benedict into the leaks of confidenti­al documents that became known as the “Vatileaks” affair. Benedict’s then-butler, Paolo Gabrieli, was convicted of stealing the papers and leaking them to an Italian journalist who published them in a blockbuste­r book.

Vigano, long a divisive figure in the Vatican, figured in the investigat­ion because some of his letters lamenting his transfer to the Washington embassy were leaked.

While the investigat­ion’s outcome has never been revealed, its findings were so important that in their first meeting after Francis’ March 13, 2013, election, Benedict and the new pope were seen sitting across from each other with a white box between them holding documentat­ion from the investigat­ion, being handed off from one pope to the next.

Francis made no reference to Vigano’s denunciati­on at his general audience Wednesday, his first Vatican appearance since the accusation­s were made.

In recounting his recent trip to Ireland, Francis lamented how Irish church authoritie­s had failed to respond to the crimes of priests who abused.

U.S. bishops, as well as rankand-file Catholics, have called for an independen­t investigat­ion to find out who knew about McCarrick’s misdeeds, and how he was able to rise through the ranks even though it was an open secret that he regularly invited seminarian­s to his New Jersey beach house and into his bed.

Francis last month removed McCarrick as a cardinal and ordered him to live a lifetime of penance and prayer after a U.S. church investigat­ion determined that an allegation that he groped a teenage altar boy in the 1970s was credible.

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 ??  ?? AP/ANDREW MEDICHINI Pope Francis leaves after his weekly general audience Wednesday at the Vatican. The pope made no reference to an accusation Sunday that he covered up sex abuse by a former cardinal.
AP/ANDREW MEDICHINI Pope Francis leaves after his weekly general audience Wednesday at the Vatican. The pope made no reference to an accusation Sunday that he covered up sex abuse by a former cardinal.

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